ch 7

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  ~3rd pov~
  AS the three left 221b, Sherlock began to call over a cab as Y/N  stood beside the two with a some-what confused face.

   "Why are you getting a cab when I just walking need to look around? It's not like I it's a lot of ground to cover.'' you said

  "Well," Sherlock began, " I need to stop by Scotland yard  and you will be coming with us, unless you don't mind sleeping on the street, of course." 

   "SHERLOCK!" John exclaimed.

  " You ca..."

   "It's my home you're invading I can do what I want. her replied as a cabby began to pull up beside them.  "Oh and Mycroft put me in charge of you which makes me your boss, call him if you don't believe me. He'll just tell you the same thing."  He finished with a smug grin on his face.

    'THIS B@#$%' you thought as you glared daggers into him, and if it weren't for John, He would have had at LEAST 4 in him.

" Okay lets just stop this right now. Y/n I know you want to straggle him right now but we can't  have that happen just yet, lets just get in the cab and we could help you around when we get back. Sound fair." John said, trying to get you to calm done before you kill the curly haired man in front of you.

  " No it's .. It's fine John, I can...."        "That's sounds good" Sherlock interfered once again.               " STOP INTERUPTING ME!!!"  Y/n yelled as Sherlocked hopped into the cab followed by John then Y/n.

(Time Skip brought to you by the fact I'm sleep deprived \ ^-^ /)

    The cab pulled up to the Scotland yard, and after forcing Y/n to pay for the cab, they shuffled out and began to head for the main doors. as soon as they walked in they were meet with a 40 year old, white man. 

   "You sure did take your time. I called halve an hour ago, usually you're he in a few minutes." He said looking at Sherlock before he noticed a fairly pissed off  H/C woman standing  behind the consulting detective. "Who is this Sherlock?"

     " Hi, my n.. " Lestrade, her name is not Important right now, The case is. So tell me where is all the evidence you and those other idiots brought back, I want to look at it before you lot end up messing anything up" He again interrupted Y/n, who looked like she was about to body slam him against the a fucking pavement at this point. 

    "If you only brought me along just so you can be a little shit to me, then let me just head back cause I am not going to be able to retrain from killing you if you don't stop that shit!" Y/n exclaimed in a frustrated tone. 

   " Language, Y/n"  Sherlock simple said as he walked away to who knows where. John, Y/n, and the man stood there awkwardly as they watch Sherlock disappear around the corner.

   " Sorry about that Y/n, You'll Eventually get used to it." John said in a bit annoyed tone, it was obviously not the first time he has had to have this conversation with someone. " Anyways this is Inspector Greg Lestrade, we work along side him every now and again. Lestrade this is  Y/n, She is here for some sort of business." 

  " It's a pleasure to meet you Lestrade."   " Uh Yes of course. We should go and make sure he's not making some kind of mess." 

     " Right, Lets go"

(Thank you for being patient with my dumb ass thank you all sooooo much )

(Thank you for being patient with my dumb ass thank you all sooooo much )

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