chapter 2- finding a home

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( A/N sorry it took me so long to update, school was in the way but now it's summer🌞🌴🏄🎇)

As I flew across the sky, all I could think about was what to do know? I don't even know where I am, who I am, and where should I start.

I thought about looking for the douche bags and left me at but I decided against it, I don't ever want to see them ever again.

I kept going not knowing what I was gonna do, where I was going, all I knew is that I needed to get away from there as fast as possible.

After a few hours, I saw a small town coming into the distance wool small is a understatement it was actually quite big. I saw the woods near the the area, so I landed there and started walking towards the town, but then I realized I'm wearing a hospital gown, what would they say, will they try to take me to a mental hospital, will they think I'm insane.

I will need some clothes to change into. Once I got to the town I snuck around the alleyways, I'm going through the dumpsters, trying to find something suitable to wear. I finally found some clothes that where smelly or covered in sludge and holes.

I quickly changed and walked into the street the street weren't to crowded so that was a good thing.

'I need to find a place to stay and some food I'm starving' I thought. I after walking around for a while till my feet began to hurt so I sat down on a bench near a river. While resting I heard a scream followed by a splash of water.

I quickly looked up to see a child struggling to stay afloat on the water.
With out thinking I ran towards the edge of the river put my hand out in front and started to make the water move away from the kid, slowly lowering him down to the bottom making sure his head was above the water at all times. As the boy was gently set on the ground, I jumped down to grab him and quickly got out, realising the water as I got out, I set the boy down and made sure he was okay.
"Thank you miss." The little boy said. I just smiled and sent him on his way after I made he was fine.

I began to walk away when I heard someone follow me.

"Miss wait... Don't go!"

I turned around to see who was calling, keeping my guard up just in case he tried anything.

"How would you like to work for my company."

This was the beginning of my story.

( I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter I shall try to post more often)

( I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter I shall try to post more often)

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