chapter 10

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  (A/N sup guys thank you for reading my story I know I could do better on updating but as you can see in all my chapters I'm shit at that so... yeah)

~3rd pov~

   After sherlock and John got changed, they began to head towards the observation unit where Y/n was only to find her gone. 

" Where did she go?" John asked a bit worried, remembering how anxious the girl looked when the first arrived.

   "She walked out while you two where getting your suits off."  Molly happily resounded, "I think she said she'll wait outside for you." 

   Sherlock, now ticked off about the inconvenience of having to look for Y/n, speed walked out of the hospital with john right behind him.

 ~mean while with Y/n~ 

  Outside Y/n was trying to calm her nerves, she had a hard time around hospitals, especially with morgues. they tend to make her...  Remember  things she wanted to forget. 

    Y/n kept tapping her fingers against her thighs and occasionally humming in a rhythm of a old song she heard long ago, it helped keep her  calm. She found herself doing this a lot lately, she would tap her fingers numb sometimes. The nightmares where the cause,  they had to be. She has been getting them for the past three months, that's when the tapping started. She always had the same dream.

  She would be back in the labs, tied down on a table. Bright lights blinding her but she could still make out shadowy figures moving around her. They would always be talking, she couldn't understand them, it was to muffled. She would try to get up or look around but the straps where so tightly they wouldn't buge, they dug into her skin the more she moved. Suddenly the figures would move towards her, they where holding something. A scalp, she knew what was going to happen. She had to get out, but how? She can't move, she  can't fight back, she was helpless. Her breath became uneven ' I have run. I cant die now, not like this. I ca...'




  "Huh.. oh um Yeah?" Y/n said as she looked up to see who had startled out of her day dream, it was Sherlock.

  " Are you alright?" This time john spoke, They both seemed concerned. It kind of surprised her.

     "Uh yeah.. Yeah I'm okay, um How long where standing there?"

   " Not too lo.."   "Three minutes. We have been trying to wake you up for three minutes" Sherlock interrupted John  in a angry tone , the worry in Sherlocks seemed to disappear rather quickly. 

   "Jeez my bad, You know you could have tried nudging me a bit, right?" 

   Sherlock just rolled his eyes and began to walk toward the street to hail a cabby.

As John and Y/n followed a bit behind him, John asked," where you having a flash?" This took Y/n a bit surprise by the question, but still answered. "Kind of, How did you know?"  "I was in the military before Y/n, I know what it's like to flash, I know how it looks like." He said ,thinking back to when he would have those flash backs and everything that triggered him into a panic attack. "I just wanted to let you know if you ever need someone who understands, you can talk to me when you want to, alright?" 

Y/n Smiled at the short man (A/n Yes your taller then John) "Thanks, that would be nice."  And with that they followed Sherlock into the cab and went back to 221b Bakerstreet

~time skip~

   A couple of hours after returning to the flat, Sherlock began to discuss the finding from the victim's body manly the tattoo. 
   " It has to mean something, it just has too. But what?!" Sherlocked shouted in frustration. He racked his brain trying to figure it out.

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