chapter 17

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A/n just got a job at Wendy's idk what time I start but at least I know the date so wish me luck :P 

   The ride to Shyama's flat was a long and uncomfortable to say the the very least. None of them spoke, all in deep thought wondering what Moriarty could be planning. If even Mycroft was worried about her, What was he capable of doing, What could be his end game? The two men couldn't figure out what he wanted , no matter how hard they tried, but the h/c girl next to them had an idea of what that was and it frightened her.

  Y/n felt lost, She didn't know what to do. Reporting what had happened the day before wasn't going to help, he probably already knew considering he was speaking to Sherlock that morning and had most likely already told him.

  Y/n began spiraling through every 'what if' scenario in her head over and over again. She wanted to know more about the psychotic man before doing anything drastic.

  She had first heard of James Moriarty in a passing conversation with Mycroft a long while ago. He had described him as a "Brilliant but dangerously out of control." She had never really paid much attention to it though, it had nothing to do with her work at the time and Mycroft had asked her to not look into it so she didn't. But now things where different, she had been thrown into the middle of it all.

   She knew asking the Holmes brothers wouldn't get her very far so her best bet was John. "So what's the story about Moriarty and why is he so... dramatic?"  Y/n asked still in a bit of shock from the news the she had just received that morning. 

  "Well, we actually don't know very much about him. He hardly shows up in person, not to mention he has many goons that basically worship him. He also set up many deadly traps around." He mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact.

  "Oh well... How did you first meet him?"

 This time Sherlock responded. "He blew up the flat in front of ours before kidnapping and tying people up to explosives in order to test us." He spoke in a annoyed tone. 

   "So you weren't kidding when you said he blew up that old woman for describing his voice? Oh god what a petty bastard. How many times have you had to deal with him?"

   "Not really, at least not directly at least. But he does love to involve himself in Sherlock's cases quite often and Sherlock thinks he is entertaining."

   "of course he would think that."

"He makes things a lot less boring."

   "And DEADLY Sherlock this isn't a game!"

  "How said it was?"

  "YOU DID!"

 "So how long have you two been married?"

  "I AM NOT GAY!!!"


  The rest of the ride was quiet which was the last thing Y/n needed. Her thoughts began to race through ever negative possibility that could happen. The worst of those thoughts where 'What if Sherlock and John find out?'

  Them finding out wasn't what she was worried, it was their reaction that worried her. She was afraid that they would fear her or call her names like freak, not that that bothered her she was used to being called worse from both the white coats and herself, but she had gotten close to them in the short while she had known them in the same way she cared for Mycroft.

  She saw Mycroft as a guardian figure that saved her from a potentially worse situation and she saw john as an older brother, someone she could talk to and know he could kind if understand. Sherlock... well she wasn't to sure about her feelings towards him but she guessed she cared about him too.

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