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Eunjung's POV:

"Hey I'm going outside... I'll be late" Jungkook runs out to his bike
"Hmm okay" I was doing the dishes and I notice that I needed to buy some vegetables. "Oh I'll call Jungkook and tell him. He'll get it on his way here~" I called him and I heard his phone ringing on the couch.
"He really forgot to take his phone?! Daebakk" I shook my head and washed my hands. Removing the apron, i went upstairs to my bedroom. 
"I'll keep his phone on his bed" While going to his room his phone beeped and a message popped up: Meet me in McD at 10.

Oh must be one of his friends. I'll do one thing: I'll get the vegetables. What if he's busy? 

My phone rang and it was from Jimin.
"Hey!!" I smiled widely
"Hii how are you?" he asked
"All good... I was going out to get some groceries" I pulled out my jeans from the closet
"Why are you going? Where's your husband?" He asked

"Oh he's gone out to meet someone I guess... U know him. He's been busy ever since we've married" I sighed
"Yeah I know... he seems way to busy. Does he even give you time?" He asked
"Sometimes" I sat on the bed
"Do you guys spend time with each other nowadays?" He asked
"Its the same Jimin... we dont. He's way too busy already and moreover he got a job. So he's always outside the house. He goes early and comes back late at night.... Sigh" I sighed
"Damn married life must be hard" he laughed
"It is. Its not like the dating days... its completely the opposite" I fake laughed

"Can i ask you something?" He asked after a long pause
"Yeah" I started wearing my jeans after putting him on loudspeaker
"When was the last time ya'll kissed? I know its too random and personal but just asking" He rushed the words
"Oh. Unexpected question. The last time we kissed was.... a week ago?" I wrapped a belt around my waist
"A week!? Are you're sure you both newly weds?" He was shocked
"Yeah why?" I asked
"Newly weds are hella romantic bro!" He clicked his tongue
"Yeah yeah whatever" I got irritated

"I'll ask you another question out of curiosity?" he giggled
"Shoot" I said plainly
"When was the lat time you said I love you to him?" he asked
"Jimin!! Seriously???" I shouted with a laugh
"Please please please tell" he laughed back
"Umm yesterday night" I nodded my head
"And he? When was the last time he said it?" he asked
"Jimin. You know he's changed a bit. He's become more stern and distant... he's BUSY and has no time for any sort of love" I told him
"No excuses. I heard that a million times already. Just say it" He nagged
"Its been over a month maybe" I took out my lipbalm
"WTFFF!!! A MONTH!? STOP JOKING!?" He overreacted
"Yeah stop acting ha" I said plainly
"I'm not even trying to act.... Dude are you sure he still likes you?" He asked me with a tone of seriousness
"Of course~~ He loves me~~" I smiled widely
"Hope so" He sounded so done with me and my life.

"Okay I'll call you later... I'll call you back in an hour." I took my bag and the house keys
"Oh ya you've to get the groceries. Fine fine.. Take care!" 
"Yeahh Byee" I took my car keys and left to the store.

=== Half an hour later ===

I got everything I needed for the week and got in my car. I played a son in the car radio and started driving back to my house.

"Aish what a traffic" I broke my knuckles 

There was heavy traffic because some car got punctured and that blocked the road. 
"Oh god I need to make lunch also.... Come on just move!!" I honked and looked at the frozen traffic. 
Finally the cars started moving very slowly but at least they're moving.
"Thank God" I started the car again and my eyes went to a bike.
"Wait that looks like Jungkook's bike" I removed my goggles and slowly moved the car ahead. 
"Yeah it has the same number-plate! Ahaa I can see my husband while going home today. Such a blessing!!" I again moved the car ahead and jolted it to a stop. 

"J-jungkook?" My fingers started trembling and I couldnt grip the steering wheel. 

I saw the shop... McD. The same shop in the message that I read today morning. My eyes cant lie... It was him. With a girl. 
And....and..... th-they were....*gulp*..... kissing.... ???

No..NO NOOO!!! It cant be...

He was holding her neck and kissing her passionately.
I felt like collapsing.... I wanted to go to him and slap him in front of everyone. But I felt weak.. I couldnt think anything...

Once they separated, I saw Jungkook smiling at her and caressing her head and playing with her hair.
I heard people behind me, honking loudly and I saw that I wasn't moving ahead. 
"Jungkook... I didnt expect that from you" My eyes tore

I saw them getting up and holding hands. 
Wait a minute... That girl! I knew her! 
Kim Bo Yeon! That girl who used to come for projects with Jungkook!! No way...

I gulped and wiped my tears. 
'Stay strong Eunjung.... stay strong' I told my self continuously 
I revved the engine and saw him one last time. 

'I hate you! I hate you so much!'


THE END. (?)

So Guys... how was it? Its surprising that ya'll have come this far with me.. Thank you so much!! It means a lot! Thank you for adding my book in your library and for voting and commenting on this book! Thank you soooooo much!! 

Do wait patiently for its sequel 😉 
It'll come out soon! 
So see you there~~~ 
Bye~ I love you all!

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