part 56

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"I was tired of playing the child and acting the way many of my friends did - the ones who are afraid that love is impossible without even knowing what love is. If I stayed like that, I would miss out on everything good that these few days with him might offer." ― Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

Sophie's POV

We walk into the hut and I go the lady working it.

"Hi, swimming with dolphins for two." I say.

"Will that be cash or are you a ship guest?" She types on the computer.

"Ship guests." I say and we show her our room keys.

"I'll add that to the bill." She says and we nod.

"Jim's over there will help you. Enjoy!" She says and we go over to the old man.

"Jim?" I say and he nods.

"Is this your first time swimming with dolphins?" He asks.

"Yea." We say.

"Okay get into your swim gear and I'll get your life vests." He walks off. Cam rips of his shirt and I take off my short and shorts. He comes back and hands us the vests. We put than on and walk to the pool thing.

"Okay we have two sister dolphins available." He says and whistles. Two fins pop up and swim toward us. "Just get in the water and I'll show you what to do."

Cam and I hold hands and jump in. We hold on to the ledge and look at Jim. He explains what to do and we listen. When were ready, we grab a dolphin and follow the directions. Soon were each being pulled by a dolphin.

"OMG this is so amazing!" Cam smiles. We swim and do tricks for a few hours and our time is up. We get out of the water and thank Jim, giving the live vests back. We put our clothes on and walk out of the place.

"Sophie, that was fun!" Cam holds my hand.

"Yeah, I knew you liked dolphins." I smile, looking down at my charm bracelet.

"Won't our parents see Swimming With Dolphins on the bill?" He asks as we get back on the ship.

"Yea and thats where we get in trouble again." I smirk.

"Wow Soph, it's like your a whole new person." Cam laughs. We kiss and go back to our rooms. It's about 12 now so Aunt Elizabeth should be coming with lunch. I quickly undress and get in the shower. She'll be suspicious if I have wet hair and a fishy smell. I get out and put on a tank top and Cameron Dallas sweatpants. I dry my hair a little and sit on the couch. I hear the door click open.

"Sophie, here's your lunch." Aunt Elizabeth says.

"Thanks." I get up and grab the meal.

"Why did you change?" She asks.

"I took a shower." I answer.

"Oh okay. See you later, we should be back at 5." She says and I nod. When she leaves I open the take out box and see chicken fingers and french fries. I turn on the TV and eat.


Aunt Elizabeth, Gina, and Skylynn come back.

"Why did you have to be naughty?" Skylynn jumps on me.

"I don't know." I smirk. "Because I'm bad."

"SOPHIE! Don't encourage her to be bad." Aunt Elizabeth yells.

"Don't be like me." I say to her and go to the bedroom. Gina comes in and sits next to me.

"Why are you acting like this?" She asks.

"Like what?" I say.

"Your being all smart mouthed and breaking rules." She says.

"I broke one rule and you act like I went to jail!" I yell.

"I'm just confused because you always act polite." She says.

"I don't know whats wrong with me. Just being a teenager." I lie.

"Okay." She says and walks out.

"Here." Aunt Elizabeth walks in, hanging me my phone. "You got a few messages."

"Thanks." I say and she walks out. I check my messages.

Shawn🎶: Hey whats up? I haven't talked to you in awhile.

Bæ😉: (A/N: Also known as Liv) Girl! I miss you!!! When you get back we need to go to the mall! 🙌💁

I answer Liv.

Me: I miss you too! Can't wait to see you! 😘😂😂

Then Shawn.

Me: Its all good. I'll see you at the next Magcon event! What should we sing?

I go on Instagram and like some fan edits. I hear someone calling my name so I get up and put my phone away.

"Yes?" I say, walking out of the bedroom.

"Were going to eat,you can come if you want." Aunt Elizabeth says.

"Sure, let me change." I say. I throw on a crop top over my tank top and swap my sweatpants with black jean shorts. I brush my hair with my fingers and put on black converse. I walk out and we get the boys and go to a restaurant on the island.


I'm thinking of writing a ranting book😂😂

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