part 16

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"A further sign of health is that we don't become undone by fear and trembling, but we take it as a message that it's time to stop struggling and look directly at what's threatening us. " ― Pema Chödrön, The Places that Scare You

Sophie's POV

We walked around the mall and Gina bought a few things. We went into Vans and American Apparel and bought a few things for Cameron since Christmas will be here in a month.

"Hey Soph, you need any supplies?" Gina asks.

"Supplies? For what?" I ask.

"Ya know. Time of Month?" She says akwardly.

"The what?" I ask. What is she talking about?

"Your period. Do you know what that is?" She said.

"Uhh no." I say stupidly.

"Oh dear. Did your mom ever talk to you before she passed?" She said sadly.

"No." I say again.

"And you haven't been to school so you haven't seen the video... Oh honey." She pulled me to a hug.

"Um is there something wrong?" I ask.

"When was the last time you had a doctor check up?" She asked me.

"Like fifth grade." I answer.

"Okay I'll get you one for tomorrow. And don't worry I'll get Cam to come so you won't be alone." She says and we walk to the car.

What have a missed? I just shake it off and think about Christmas. I can not wait because for the last 5 years, Christmas is just a fake tiny plant with my homemade paper ordainments and one gift which was usually something small and inexpensive. We arrived back home and saw Cam and Nash attempting to make something in the kitchen.

"YAY MOM YOU SAVED US!" Cam came running toward us hugging Gina and I.

"Cam almost burnt the house down." Nash came over to us laughing and hugged us too.

"Oh Cam." Gina laughed. "I'll start dinner than." She headed to the kitchen.

"Hey Gina, I can make it if you want. You can run some errands and stuff." I say.

"That would be lovely! I'll go schedule your appointment." She says walking off.

"So you can cook?" Cam says and sits in one of the bar stools with Nash while I search around looking for a pan.

"If I could find things, and yea I read all my mom's cookbooks." I laugh.

"Hey Cam I have to go. Bye! Bye Sophie!" Nash looks up from his phone.

"Bye Nash!" Cam and I say.

"I'll help you." Cam comes behind me and grabs the pan I was looking for.

"Thanks." I say.

"So what do you need?" Cam says ready to assist.

"Tomato's, basil, garlic, salt and peper, any noddles, and shrimp if you have it." I say.

"Surprisingly, we have it all." Cam says putting his hands up. He grabs the things and sets them on a counter then getting a cutting board.

"If I memorized the recipe right, this should be delious." I pour in some oil and wait till it sizzles. I throw the shrimp in there and go over to Cam who is slicing the tomatoes and garlic.

"Where's the deep pans?" I ask and he points to a cabinet. I grab one and start boiling the pasta while still watching the shrimp.

"Soo" Cam starts still cutting. "How was the shopping trip?" He asks.

"Good. I honestly don't really like shopping, I mean its fun just time consuming. How was playing video games all day?" I laugh.

"Eh not as fun without you." He says but looks like he didn't want to.

"Oh, so you missed me." I smirk.

"Maybe a little. I mean you have been living here for a month and I've known you for almost three now so I like having you around." He says.

"I like having you around too. Especially in the kitchen." We both laugh.

The pasta was done so I drained them and put it in a large bowl. I threw the tomatoes and garlic Cam cut in the shrimp pan and when that was done I poured it on top of the pasta in the bowl.

"Do the honors." I bow handing Cam the salt and pepper.

"Thank you ma'lady." He takes the shakers and lightly sprinkles them on top of the bowl.

"Perfect!" I smile and bring it to the table which Cameron already set.

"DINNERS READY!" We scream.

"This is amazing Sophie!" Gina smiles while grabbing more.

"Hey I helped too!" Cam whines.

"Im proud of my baby boy too!" She says grabbing Cam and plastering him with kisses.

"MOMMM!" He whines again.

"Oh stop. And Sophie, you appointment will be at 2 tomorrow." She says letting go of Cameron.

"Okay." I say. I am a little nervous but seriously, how bad could one thing be?


Any ideas of what will happen next??

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