part 6

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"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." ― Søren Kierkegaard, The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Orienting Deliberation on the Dogmatic Issue of Hereditary Sin

Sophie's POV

I swam around thinking about my past when I heard a boat. Crap. It was coming towards me. I quickly got out and hid behind a tree. I was freezing. One being I was in a bra and underwear , and two the wind was starting to pick up and I was soaked. The boat engine stopped.

"Hmm. I could've sworn I saw something." A voice said. OMG it was Nash's. I covered my mouth to quiet my breathing.

"Nash calm down, it was probably a fish." An unfamiliar voice said.

"Yeah Hayes is right, come on dude. Let just go home." That sounded like... Cameron?

"Yea lets go." I heard the boat drive away. That was close. I grabbed my clothes and ran back home never putting the clothes on. I took a quick shower which was cold because we don't have a water heater and put on a t-shirt and fluffy pajama pants.

The next week at school

School is okay. Liv and I (Olivia) are best friends. Cameron and Nash are my guy friends and are just amazing. I'm quickly learning math, and in my elective, theater I got the part I auditioned for.

It was Friday so I was very excited. I walked to lunch with Liv and bought a bag of corn nuts and a water. Cam and Nash sat down with us.

"Thats all your going to eat?" Cam asked.

"Yea I don't eat much. Anyway why did you guys all of a sudden come and sit with us?" I asked.

"Oh I wanted to invite you and Olivia to my house tonight for a lake party. Since you live close to there I thought I would invite you." Nash said.

"Please say yesssss." Cam whined.

"Haha okay. What about you Liv?" I said.

"Sure." She smiled.

"Okay see you guys there." Nash walked off winking.

After school

"Soph, can I come to your house? My parents aren't home and I'll be bored." Liv asked.

I thought about it. I can't let her think I'm a hobo. Dads going to be gone for a month. Maybe I should just tell her everything.

"Okay but its a long walk." I said and she smiled.

While we walked I told her everything. All the secrets I kept were all coming out and I couldn't stop. She was shocked, asking many questions. We finally reached the house.

"You weren't kidding, that was a long walk." She laughed as I led her to my room.

"And you promise to never tell anyone?" I asked.



Remember, updates will be a few days apart! Keep reading!

FearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora