part 10

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"I don't trust anybody. Not anybody. And the more that I care about someone, the more sure I am they're going to get tired of me and take off." ― Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl

Sophie's POV

After going to the library and setting up a card for me, Cam drove me to his house which was a few down from Nash's.

"We're here." Cam sung. It was a big house just like Nash's. We walked inside and were welcomed by his mom.

"Hey Cam, oh who's this?" She looked at me.

"This is my friend Sophie, she just moved um in the area." He kinda lied.

"Hi Sophie! I'm Gina." She held out her hand.

"Nice meeting you." I shook it.

"Okay so do you kids want some snacks?" She asked.

"Sure." Cam and I agreed.

We walked upstairs and Cam led me to his room. It was pretty nice.

"Nice room." I said as I sat down on his bed.

"Thanks, I actually keep it clean unlike Nash." He laughed and so did I.

"Soo what should we do?" I asked opening my backpack.

"We could start our project." Cam looked bored.

"I don't even know what its about, I wasn't paying attention." I laughed.

"We have to make science fair project on plants."

"Got it." I say getting out paper and a pencil.

I started to sketch a poster for the fair while Cam did who knows what.

"Hey guys. Whatcha doing?" Cam's mom came in with come crackers and brown colored spread.

"Just working on a project we were paired for." Cam said grabbing a cracker with a lot of spread.

"Good luck my little scholars!" And she went back downstairs.

"Sorry about my mom trying to act cool." He laughed.

"Haha, whats this?" I asked picking up a cracker.

"Its a cracker with Nutella." He says looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Nutella?" I ask.

"Its a hazelnut chocolate spread." He says.

"Oh, I haven't been to a store in awhile, dad buys all the groceries." I say and he just nods. The Nutella tasted pretty good.

We worked on the project a little and then Cam drove me back home.

"Will you be okay?" He asks me.

"Yea my dad should be back tonight." I say hugging Cam. "Thank you for everything."

"It's the least I could do." Cam hugged back. I got out of the car and I waved as he drove off.


Thank you all for being awesome!! I personally haven't had Nutella so I just based everything off of what I heard 😂😂

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