part 22

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"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." ― Jack Canfield

Cameron's POV

"Well it started to snow, School will be starting sports teams, and that's all." I said and she nodded.

"So nothing much." She said.

"Yea. Are you guys going to try out for something?" I ask looking at Sophie and Nash.

"I don't know." Nash says. "Whatever you do bro."

"I might try for football." I say.

"I can't play anything." Sophie laughed.

"I'll teach you everything I know about girl sports. And you can try out for everything until you get into something so we can both be on a team." I say.

"Cam, we have a Magcon event coming up." Nash said.

"What! I didn't know that?" I got excited. I love meeting my fans. "Could we bring Sophie?" I look at her.

"I don't think anyone would mind." He smiled.

"YAY!" Sophie and I scream.

"When? Where?" I ask excitedly.

"New York, a week after Christmas." Nash says.

"Yes!" We all scream.

The next day

We started to set up Christmas decorations. Sophie was in charge of the stairs because she could take her time with that, mom was in charge of the tree, and I am in charge of the outside.

I grabbed my beanie, tan hiking boots, and snow jacket and went out the door. I dug out all the Christmas boxes full of decor and started to unveil the lights. I got the ladder and lit the house from the top to the bottom. It looked amazing and only took about 4 hours. I decided to shovel snow out of the driveway while I was at it.

"Cameron! House is ready!" Sophie yelled from the door.

" 'Kay lets see." I walked inside and saw lights covering the house. The tree was up in the empty room.

"Wow looks amazing." I hugged Sophie.

"Thanks, but the real amazement is the outside." She laughed.

"Well I guess I'm just that amazing then." I pretended to flip my hair and she laughed.

Night Time

I got into bed next to her because there was no way I'm letter her out of my sight after what happened.

"Ready for school tomorrow?" I asked pulling her closer to me.

"Mentally, yea. But physical I might need some help." She smiled.

"I'll carry you around." I smirked and she laughed, closing her eyes and drifting off.


Sophie's POV

It sucks. It sucks getting out of breath doing the simplest things. It was hard for me to put lights on the staircase and that's easy! I'm just glad I have Cam and a nice warm place to stay.

I grabbed a gray knit sweater, black legginings, and some grey fluffy socks. I went to bathroom and changed. When I got out Cam was still sleeping in my bed.

"Cam get up!" I shook him.

"Why?" He dragged out.

"Because we have to go to jail *cough* I mean school." I say.

"Oh yea that." He sat up rubbing his face. Soon he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me.

"Sophie your incredible. Don't let anyone tell you different. Okay?" He said.

"Okay." I smiled.

He left to get dressed and I started brushing my waist-length hair. I never realized how long it was. I twisted two pieces from each side of my head and pinned them in the back and adding a grey bow. I really like bows, and I started making them with ribbon I found in the craft room. I started to hobble downstairs, stopping every two steps to breathe. I felt like an elephant was sitting on me. I wasn't even half way when I felt someone pick me up. Cameron obviously. He carried me all the way downstairs and sat me in a chair at the table.

"Thanks." I smile and he nodded grabbing an apple.

I honestly don't want to eat right now but I can't take being in the condition I'm in now. Gina made me toast with cheddar cheese and bacon smashed inside. It was like a heart attack sandwich. I ate it slowly and finally finished it all. I slowly walked over to the shoe rack and slipped on my grey Uggs Gina bought me. Cam came around me with both our backpacks around is shoulders and picked me up, placing me in his black range rover. Once we arrived in the office we saw Nash.

"Hey Nash." We said at the same time.

"Hey guys, what so you need?" He asked his blue eyes twinkling. Wait, do we have the same eyes?

"I have this doctors note saying I can carry Sophie around. I don't want to get yelled at." Cam said handing Nash the note. One of the office people walked out. I remember her from my first day.

"Oh hello. What do you guys need?" She asked and Nash handed her the note.

"Okay just carry her and if anyone yells at you tell them your situation." She says and we nod.

"Hey I remember you! How do you like the school?" She asked looking at me.

"Um its great." I say thinking about the accident with Jake.

"Good, good. Carry along now kids." She laughed at her own joke which I didn't find funny.


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