Chapter Five- Dreams and Beckoning

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Hello, Lovelies, 

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-XXXX Amanda 


As promised, I saw Tamas the next morning, though it was just a glimpse. I assumed he rested as the women of the Brazil family came to visit throughout the day. I enjoyed their company. I found Sophia wonderful and protective and though I was beginning to have a bond with her, the bond with my future sister-in-laws was almost immediate. They had been through the betrothal and the danger. They understood what I was going through. I wasn't sure that Sophia did. Her one focus seemed to be the wedding and nothing else.

The bond I forged with Aurora was the one which surprised me the most. Since Jaelle's death, I found I secretly hated her and her mother. They had been who my father and mother helped which put us in danger. I had put some of the blame of her death on them but that was before I understood what had happened. They had been victims of Emilian just like Jaelle and I found that I was happy to forget the hatred and embrace her as a sister.

I found Lilly easy to talk to. She had a worldly knowledge that was refreshing but also painful because I understood that the only way she had gained it was because of the abuse from her mother. She understood pain and disappointment in a way I would never understand. It would have been made worse if no one had loved her. I would forever be thankful for Ion, her step-father for his sacrifice and love for Lilly. He not only become a father figure to Lilly but to Aurora too.

The bond I forged with Mary Jane was different and perhaps stronger than the bond with Aurora and Lilly. I realized that she became Eli's target and somehow escaped it. I looked up to her and I hoped that her experience with Eli could save me. She possessed more strength than anyone I knew in the past or the present even though I realized she didn't view herself that way. She still believed herself to be weak.

Then, there was Mirella. She had spoken the truth when she'd met me. She became my favorite. She made me forget that I was in danger with her constant chatter and laughter free of any worry. She made me laugh with her and have fun. She soothed me in a way the others didn't. However, beneath all of that, I understood that she often felt left out. She didn't think she belonged. Mirella reveled in the attention I gave her and I saw something like hope in her eyes.

She stayed with me past the time that the others left and only when she went home, did I experience the worry creeping back into my soul. I put Pesha to bed and my parents soon followed. I glanced outside and saw Tamas standing beneath a tree and sighed in relief. I found my protector guarding me once again. The thought both comforted and worried me as I laid down on the couch to sleep. Perhaps because of his presence, I fell into a deep slumber with ease.

Only the too close hoot of an owl caused me to open my eyes. Trees swaying above me caused my heart to jump with erratic beats inside my chest and I sat up suddenly. I found myself in the middle of the forest and I glanced around terrified.

"Tamas," I whispered but instead of his comforting voice, I heard the growl of an animal both wild and feral. Its breath came out in hungered gasps as if it were inhaling my scent and imagining what my blood would taste like.

I tensed and forced my body to turn finding a snow white wolf staring with hungry intensity into my eyes. Its mouth was pulled back in a snarl flashing sharp white teeth at me as I imagined them sinking into my neck as the wolf sucked down my blood while tearing through the skin, muscle and sinew. I trembled as it stepped toward me and I took a tentative step back, hoping that he wouldn't attack. I inhaled as it bent down and lunged. My name spoken in a whisper pulled me away from the dream just as the wolf's teeth grazed my skin.


I awoke with my name still echoing in my ears. I frowned as I sat up on the couch and glanced around expecting to find my parents or Tamas but no one was near. No one stood in the room with me. My heart thudded as I cocked my head to the side. The silence that followed frightened me. Someone had been with me. I wasn't going crazy. Someone watched me sleep.

"Nadia," the voice echoed around me again but this time it showed weakness as if the person who spoke was hurt. I swallowed as I tensed trying to figure out what to do. It was obvious no one was with me but I still heard them. Werewolves had the ability to speak to someone with their minds. So, I was sure that whoever it was had to be a werewolf.

I glanced toward the window wondering if the voice came from Tamas. Was he in trouble? Did he get hurt? The idea proved enough to make me throw the blankets back from my body and stand.

I stared at the door, realizing that I shouldn't go outside of it. I should go get my parents and have one of them search. If Eli proved to be the one calling for me, they could transition. I hadn't been through the transition yet. I turned toward my parent's room but my name reached me again more urgent than before. I turned and moved toward the door leading outside forgetting all reason. Regardless of the danger, I worried that Tamas lay hurt somewhere and called for me. I had to find him.

I hesitated at the door but my name echoed around me again weaker than before. I opened it and stepped outside. I turned looking for Tamas but did not find him. I stepped forward and peered into the darkness, squinting my eyes at the forest as I tried to find him within it.

"Tamas," I called in a shaky voice but it did not bring him to me. My name echoed around me once again. I stepped in the direction of it but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I turned ready to scream but found Tamas staring down at me with his face reddened in anger.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, narrowing his eyes as he peered down into my face, "I told you to stay inside at night. Eli will come for you. It's too dangerous out here right now."

I swallowed hard as my stomach twisted. I hated that he was angry at me, "Someone said my name," I said in a trembling voice, "I-I thought you were hurt. I-I thought you called me."

He pulled me to him as all the anger faded from his face to be replaced by fear and gazed around us with narrowed eyes. His stare lingered at the entrance to the forest and I turned to find Eli standing just far enough away that Tamas would be too frightened to leave me.

"See how easy it was," he called out with a chuckle, "I almost took her and I will soon. You won't be able to stop me."

Tamas' grip tightened on my arm as Eli disappeared into the forest. A tremble shook through me as Tamas pulled me even closer. Still, it did not take away the fact that the man responsible for the deaths of Mary Jane's parents had called for me and I had walked toward him. A tremble shook through me as I became sure he would take me and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Lured  (Book 4) The Brazil Werewolf SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora