Chapter Fourteen-The Truth About Jaelle

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Hello, Lovelies, 

Welcome to the second update for today.  I hope you are enjoying the book.  Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. 

-XXXX Amanda 


Mirella's screams continued interwoven with Garridan's pleas for the men to leave her alone. They were driving me insane as I moved to the corner of the room and sank down. I placed my hands over my ears and shut my eyes until the screams ended. Tears burned paths down my cheeks as I worried that they were dead. Only when the door opened did I worry about my fate.

Slowly, I raised my gaze to find the girl who I believed to be my sister. She stared down at me sadly as she glanced over her shoulder. She stepped toward me and bit her lip. A frown marred her face as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"Who are you?" She asked simply before glancing over her shoulder again. My eyes widened as I realized that she was not supposed to be with me, "You seem familiar."

"My name is Nadia," I said, pressing my lips together to keep from frightening her by blurting out my suspicions, "What is your name?"

"Jaelle," she said as she studied me, "Jaelle Grey."

I inhaled sharply at the sound of her name but I knew better than to get excited and push her to the edge, "Are you Eva's daughter?"

Her eyes darkened and the pain of years of torment came to the surface, "I'm her adopted daughter," she whispered, "My parents and sister died. She saved me."

"Did they?" I asked as my nostrils flared. I took a deep, calming breath, "How did they die?"

She frowned as she closed her eyes. When she opened them heartbreak was within them, "An attack," she said stepping forward, "I remember some of it even though I was only three."

"What do you remember?" I asked, standing to face her. She took a step back as if afraid I would strike her.

"The werewolf attacked my sister," she said, tilting her head as she studied me again, "Her name was Nadia like you. She had hair the same color and your eyes...They are the same color too."

I took a step toward her as I moved my hair to the side and turned so that my back was to her. Slowly, I pulled the shoulder of my blouse down exposing the scar.

"Did she get slashed like this?" I whispered.

I heard the sharp intake of her breath as she backed away. As I turned, she moved to the door shaking her head, "No," she said in a voice broken by betrayal, "My mother wouldn't keep that from me."

"Yes," I said, desperate, "I'm your sister. Your parents are alive. You have a brother now too and we were attacked. We thought you were dead. Eva is the one who attacked us."

She shook her head so hard the ends of her hair slapped her in the face, "You're lying," she said, grasping the doorknob, "You just want me to hate my mom so I'll let you go."

Then, she was gone leaving me with my heart in my throat as the locks of the door clicked back into place.


I stared at the door for an immeasurable amount of time before it opened yet again. This time Eva stepped through. Her face was smug as the two guards who had dragged Garridan into the room followed her. I glanced at them terrified as I wondered if they were about to do to me what they did to Mirella.

"Don't worry, Nadia," she said as if reading my mind, "We have a different fate in mind for you."

"What's that?" I asked as a shiver slid from the base of my skull. I understood anything she had planned wouldn't end well for me.

"Eli," she said with a twitch of her lips at my expression of disgust, "He's your fate."

I raised an eyebrow, trying to keep my temper from rising, "I won't let him touch me," I said, raising my chin, "I would rather died."

Eva scoffed, "That not my concern," she said with a shrug, "It's his. What he decides to do to you is up to him."

"What about my sister?" I asked, narrowing my eyes, "What concern is she to you. I thought you'd killed her."

Eva straightened and turned back to me with narrowed eyes, "So you have realized who my adopted daughter is. Her death could still be arranged," she said with a crooked grin, "You see, I was going to kill her but I realized that I would do better to keep her alive and let her grow attached to me. Eventually, I would be able to use her against you or your parents. I didn't realize that I would be able to use her against you."

"You don't love her at all?" I asked, angrily, "She's someone you use for revenge?"

"Why would I love her?" She asked with a laugh, "She isn't part of our family. She's part of your filthy family."

I swallowed as I saw Jaelle's face beyond the bodyguards. Tears flowed down her cheeks, "Did you tell her we were dead?" I asked, trying hard not to face Jaelle.

"How else would I have earned her love?" She asked and sighed as if tired of the conversation, "Regardless, this will not matter to you soon. You'll be be bound to Eli and he'll be all that matters to you."

"I will never be Eli's," I said, narrowing my eyes as she shrugged and turned to go once more, "You do know that he wants to take the spot of alpha and he will kill you to get it."

She turned and stared at me for a few moments and then, grinned, "Yes, I do," she said and laughed, "But just like your sister, I have bigger plans for him. He just doesn't know it."

She turned leaving me with my mouth hanging wide open as I realized she meant to kill him and that would kill me. I would waste away like Fiona. The locks clicked home in the door once more, leaving me to face my fate with Eli. 

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