Chapter Seven-When the Blood Runs Cold

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I hope everyone is having a great day!  I am trying to finish the books on my roster.  Right now, I am focusing one book at a time, partly due to Caronavirus forcing adjustments to my schedule and homeschool for my children.  So, my focus is completely on this book until its completion.  So, please make sure to check every day if I've uploaded a chapter.  I will be uploading two today, possibly three.  I hope you enjoy them.  If you do, please consider voting, comments are awesome and as always, I adore all of you.  

-XXXX Amanda


Tamas led me into the party with my hand still wrapped in his. I smiled when Mirella began to dance as soon as she was in the crowd, laughing as she did. I realized how wonderful her laughter was as it tinkled around us. Tamas pulled me closer to him as he led me to a table where Lilly, Aurora and Mary Jane sat. Aurora held a beautiful little girl who shared the same silver eyes as her. Her hair had the same mixture of brown, black and blonde as Tamas. She was around two years old. I wondered if this child was the one that would be betrothed to Pesha.

Aurora saw my interest in her and smiled, "This is Ruby," she said, proudly, "She is my daughter."

"She's beautiful," I said and the little girl smiled up at me as if she appreciated the compliment. I tilted my head as I studied her wondering if she would become my sister-in-law in the future, "Did my parents approach you about a betrothal?"

"Yes," Aurora said, kissing her little girl's forehead, "It seems our family's bond will be unbreakable with not one but two marriages."

I smiled as I reached forward and caressed the little girl's cheek, "It already is."

"Where is Andre, Luc and Marco?" Tamas asked, grinning, "I want to introduce Nadia to them."

Aurora pointed toward the bonfire and Tamas tugged my hand after thanking her. I waved farewell to the women who I had grown so close to in just a few days. We moved closer to the bonfire, finding a group of men talking in a circle.

The first to notice us had the same mixture of brown, black and blonde hair as Tamas but his eyes were shaded caramel brown with striations of sea green. He was tall and muscular. He resembled Tamas so much that he gave me a glimpse of what he would look like in a few years.

"This is my oldest brother, Andre," Tamas said, shaking his brother's hand, "He's married to Aurora."

"I just met your daughter," I said, smiling, "She's beautiful."

Andre's chest puffed out proudly, "Yes, she is," he said, "It's nice to have you here, Nadia."

"Thank you," I said as he patted my shoulder.

The next man had hair the darkest black imaginable. He was tall and muscled with a square face and straight nose. He shared eyes the same striking silver as Gavriel.

"I'm Marco," he said and grinned, "I'm Lilly's husband."

"It's nice to meet you," I said, "Your wives are wonderful."
"What do you think of mine?" The other man said turning and I gasped. This had to be Luc, Tamas' twin. At first, I could find no differences between them. It was unsettling until I noticed that Luc was an inch taller. When his eyes met mine, I saw that they were two shades of green and there was no white within the irises.

Luc smiled, "Did I scare you?" He asked, laughing at my expression of shock, "After all, I've been cursed to look like him. So, I would understand the fear that my appearance would cause."

"I don't think you resemble him at all," I said, grinning.

"Because I'm more handsome," Tamas added as he tugged my hand again, "I'm going to go find the brothers who are nicer than you."

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