Chapter Ten-Secrets

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I hope everyone is having a great day!  I will be doing a triple update for Lured today.  I truly hope you are enjoying it.  If you do, please consider voting and commenting.  I adore all of you.  

-XXXX Amanda 


The day before our wedding Tamas came to me offering to take me to speak with Ion. My mother was reluctant but agreed. Still, she watched us as we walked to his motor home from the door of our motor home. He knocked on the door and we heard the muffled reply allowing us to enter.

Darkness met us as we stepped inside. We walked toward the bedroom where the only light in the home shined from a cracked door. Tamas nodded with a somber face toward Ion as we entered the room. He winced as his gaze fell upon Fiona's shriveled body. I assumed that she had appeared much different when he last met her. Ion's eyes met mine before turning back to Fiona, finding her asleep. He pointed his chin toward the living area.

"We should talk out there," he whispered, "I don't want to wake her. She becomes upset while awake."

I nodded and we moved to the living room where Ion turned on the light. I blinked away the spots as Ion turned to me both curious and afraid, "Tamas said you wanted to talk to me though I am unsure what it is about."

I bit my lip and then, nodded, "I wanted to know about the girl who brought Fiona to us," I said, shifting from foot to foot, "I think that she may be my sister, Jaelle."

He tilted his head as he studied me and then, shook his head, "I thought your sister died," he said, frowning, "At least, that's what I was told."

"We never found a body. We just assumed," I said, twisting my hands in front of me, "All we ever found of her was her nightgown with blood on it but I think that maybe the blood belonged to me. I was injured that night."

"Eva clawed you," He said, nodding and then, sighed, "I apologize. I glimpsed the mark at the bonfire."

I swallowed hard as I remembered the humiliation of having the mark on display, "It's alright. I'm sure everyone saw it," I said, trying to fight back tears. Ion gave me a sad smile and patted my shoulder.

"I don't know if I can help you much. Unfortunately, I left before that girl arrived," he said, frowning, "Garridan would probably be a better person to ask."

My shoulders slumped forward, "Thank you for your honesty."

"That's what you'll always get from me," he said, glancing toward the bedroom, "Even when it hurts."

"Can I ask why you left?" I said, studying his face, "I mean if it's okay."

Ion nodded as he motioned to a chair. I sat down as he took the chair across from me. Tamas stood near me, "I left because of Fiona," he said, swallowing, "She was fifteen when Emilian raped her. I was there that night. I was searching for him and found him standing over her. She was terrified and there was nothing I could do. He'd already done the deed," he said as a muscle twitched below his eye, "My father was so proud of him. I found out that my mother had been raped also but because she was werewolf, my mother had been forced to marry him. She killed herself when I was three. My father died shortly after the rape of Lilly's mother. I was to be alpha but I realized that I couldn't be like him. I didn't want to be like him. So, I left. Emilian took over and I came here. Sophia and Gavriel accepted me with open arms."

"Sophia and Gavriel took you in?" I asked with a raised brow.

"My mother was Sophia's childhood friend," Ion said with a sigh, "She was proud of me for turning away from them. I tried to pay penance to Fiona. She became my friend and for a while something else but that fell through and I married Tanya to protect my niece from her."

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