Chapter One-Meetings

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Hello, Lovelies, 

As promised, here is the first chapter.  I truly hope you enjoy it.  I want to thank you again for supporting me and reminding me every day that my stories are enjoyed.  Honestly, my stories aren't finished until they are read and enjoyed.  So, thank you so much!  I adore you all.  Please stay safe.  If you like this chapter, please consider voting or commenting.  It lets me know I'm on the right track.  Besides, they make me smile.  



Ten Years Later

I stared out of the window as the night fell on my eighteenth birthday. I couldn't quite believe the years had passed fast as they did as I gazed at my father's movements as he walked from place to place outside folding up lawn chairs I had often sat in during my eighteen years. Memories of listening to my father sing or play the guitar flooded my mind. In some of them, Jaelle would be there. In others, I would be alone with my parents, and with the more recent memories, I would listen with my little brother, Pesha, who had blessed us with his birth four years before.

I glanced toward him. His hair fell in a riotous assembly of loose waves. The strands curled at the end around his face making his green eyes huge and curious at all times. He sat on the recliner with his black teddy bear, Shadow, speaking to him as if he spoke to a person. He glanced up at me and smiled causing my heart to lurch in my chest. Soon, I would have to say good-bye to him. My parents would leave with him. It hurt to think about.

My mother's voice reached me as she sang in the kitchen. I turned toward her as a gasp escaped from between my lips. Sometimes, it surprised me how beautiful my mother was. She wore her long auburn hair, the exact shade as my own, pulled back into a ponytail. She smiled and I found that I had inherited her bowed lips. Still, as much as we resembled, we appeared different too. She was curvy where I was thin. Her face was rounder than mine and though I had the same shade of grey eyes as she did, hers held every emotion she'd ever experienced, where I hid mine as often as possible.

My father returned and I turned my gaze to him, trying to commit his image to my memory. He was tall and covered in lean muscle. He possessed hair black in color and retained the same riotous waves as Pesha. His eyes were sea green and always possessed a seriousness about them that made most people immediately comfortable with him. His smile was wide and infectious and when it widened, dimples appeared in both cheeks and his chin.

I took a shaky breath and turned to the window where Jaelle had been taken from us. I placed my hand on the cool glass as my memory conjured up her face. I winced as I saw her terrified expression as she was ripped away from us. I blinked and a tear fell down my cheek because I was saying good-bye to her too. Once I got my revenge against the one who had killed her, I suspected that her memory would fade and blur. She would slip from me little by little until I could only recall her in pictures.

"We'll be ready to leave for Timbly Mountain tomorrow," My father said interrupting my thoughts and I sensed my parents gazes on me. I turned toward them realizing that they waited for me to protest. I suppose that it was odd that I didn't but I would not speak one word against it.

"Are you ready to leave then?" My mother asked, frowning as she peered into my face.

I raised my chin, "I will be," I said, softly.

My mother's gaze continued to roam over my face and then, she nodded. I turned back to the window and I realized that it bothered my parents on some level that I didn't fight. I suppose I should have been angry or mad at them but I didn't worry about that. Instead, my focus remained on Jaelle and receiving justice for her death.

Lured  (Book 4) The Brazil Werewolf SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora