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24th December 2019

While Linda ordered for Michael Stone to be brought in for questioning, I ordered for a report on Mr. Burrows' hospitalization, John's comment on it wasn't ordinary. I had a guess his predicament was a result of some foul-play, the whole family had some secrets with them.

"I can't believe Michael Stone is the Mayor's step-son, I wonder if he knew.", David wondered, dropping the file of the guy on my desk.

I opened the file and read through it, most of the information I already knew. Michael Stone, twenty years old, been around since pre-teen years. Now I knew it wasn't a coincidence he arrived at the town the same year Mrs. Brooke (the second) arrived and also registered as the adopted son of the chief maid of the Brookes'. He continued high school here and moved on to Winchester college before dropping out in his second year of Management studies. After that, he became a troublesome guy getting in fights, minor burglaries, pickpocketing and the likes. It also said that every time he came in for some offence, a big shot in town was ready to release doubt his mother.

With the connection John made between Michael and Claire, I wondered if he was involved in her death. I finally understood that letter about love, even though no other letters had come after the last one. The mystery of the cryptic writer had not been resolved, overtaken by events. I just hoped whoever it was wasn't in danger.

"Michael Stone is no where to be found, he's also missing.", Linda said, just as she entered the precinct carrying a small bag definitely not belonging to her.

She continued smugly, "However I found this horrible looking bag in his apartment." At my horrified face, she backed up slightly, "I know we had no warrant, but the house was unlocked and looked so unkempt and abandoned. Besides, I found some interesting information regarding Michael."

Already interested, David and I leaned forward.

"So I found some money, photographs of him and Mrs. Brooke, and a few pages of that book we found in John's custody. But that's not the most interesting, you will never guess who was authorizing the illegal releases of Michael.", Linda smirked, knowing she knew something we didn't.

"Who was it?", David asked impatiently.

"Inspector Davies.", She replied simply, pulling out a folder from the worn-out black duffel bag. "I found his signatures authorizing Michael's release along with proofs of money sent to his account immediately, on each occasion. However I didn't see who the sender was."

"This is enough, we'll interrogate him with this when he comes in. He won't be able to deny.", I said, holding the folder before dropping it again, "Did you check for...?"

"Fingerprints, saliva, yes I did. I'm a professional, Bella.", Linda said as she sauntered off, David following her close behind.

I sighed. Even members of the police force were being corrupt, that wasn't too surprising but the fact that it was Inspector Davies made me sad. I would be furious if he was in on the bigger picture of this whole crime. Now all I could do was wait till he came in for work.

With everything going on, I almost didn't notice the Christmas hymns playing outside. The cool bells and happy intermingled voices reminded me that even with all the secrets of Winchester, there were still good people here especially those who brought small gifts for the police and detectives.


"Bella, while we're waiting for Inspector Davies and whatever is happening at nine p.m, I think there's something you need to see.", Linda said handing me a thin manila folder with two papers in it. So far, the police officers we had stationed at the mystery address for any suspicious movements had seen nothing, nothing at all.

She continued, "The results for Claire's autopsy came, and she died from poisoning. There were tiny pricks on her arms, most likely from injections."

I read the papers in my hands, Claire had died from lead poisoning forced into her system about fifteen minutes before she died. Immediately it entered her system, her body slowly collapsed as it affected her lungs, kidneys and then her heart. She couldn't survive a high intravenous dose of lead.

I read further, the hospital report for Mr. Burrows showed his body was degenerating from... small doses of lead poisoning. He wasn't dead yet, because results showed he had been taking it orally. His doctor presumed it was being added to the daily tea he took.

"This is too much of a coincidence, Linda. Whoever poisoned the father-daughter duo had access to them, most likely someone known to them.", I said, closing the folder as Inspector Davies finally walked in showing off the badge he had betrayed.

I waited allowing him to settle in for a few minutes before I stepped and dropped the paper incriminating him on his desk, sliding it towards him.

"Sir, we know that you were taking bribes to release Michael Stone every time he was brought in.", I paused for dramatic effect as my words settled in, "We also know who was offering those bribes, so all we need is your co-operation to provide evidence against this person."

He stood up and looked ready to deny, most likely already forming a sentence until he read the paper and sighed, "How did you find out about this?", Then he whispered more to himself, "This wasn't supposed to come out, my career is surely ruined."

"Yes, and since you know the drills, I can spare the 'Co-operate and things won't be as bad' speech. I just need your statement as proof."

"I needed the money and I was being threatened as well, Bella. I couldn't refuse and risk my family for something surely bigger than me, I didn't care for why she needed the boy set free.", He explained, no doubt trying to gather sympathy.

I asked, "She?"

Inspector Dan sat down, shook his head and sighed,"You don't know what you're getting into, Bella. This is a dangerous game you're playing, even I saw it and I had to back down. I'm advicing you to do the same."

I ignored what he said and pressed further,"We need evidence of Mrs. Brooke continually bringing bribes to release a community terror, Inspector."

He glanced at me, "Mrs Brooke? She only came once or twice to bail him, someone else came the other times."

I was surprised, who else would care about Michael Stone if not his mom?

"Who is this other person?"

He whispered, like he was afraid to say the name, "Marie. Marie Burrows."


Unexpected! The 'innocent' mother. Let me know your thoughts. Remember to tap the vote star 🌟

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