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I am screwed.

The street is empty, only illuminated by the decorated street lights casting a dim glow on the pavement. I am walking as fast as I can, but my steps are slowed by the knee-deep snow. I feel sweat dripping down my back; and a weight pushing down on my chest. I pause behind a tree, and crouch down to get a few breaths.

I had to walk away from him-he was beginning to scare me. I didn't want to be part of the game anymore; things had changed for me.

The station was just few minutes away; I could make it. I would tell them everything I knew, the secrets were killing me.

"You can't leave me in this, Emily. We still have so much to do, our hard work cannot be in vain."

I nearly get a heart attack as I turn to see him standing behind me-he's holding a stick. Every cell in my body is telling me to run, but I stand there and stare at him. I know he won't hurt me, he just needs to see reason.

I shake my head defiantly and walk towards him. "I started this, so I have the right to walk away. You can leave this as well, start a new life... with me. We can forget this, they will still get what's coming for them. We won't hide our love from anyone, don't you want that?" I stroke his cheek and stare into his eyes, he had changed so much from the first time we met.

I can see the confusion in his eyes. He wants revenge, but he loves me too...right?

"I'm sorry Em." He sighs and brings the wood to my head.

The last words I hear from him scares me into unconsciousness, "I only want revenge Em, and I will get it."


18th December 2019

As bad as it sounded, I needed a real crime and this town wasn't giving me one. I was tired of the pickpocketing and vandalizing of public property. Every slightly interesting case made in the past five months had been withdrawn, due to one reason or the other.

I poured myself a cup of tea, and paused to look at my reflection. My short black curls and my staunch upper body muscles had me looking like a man, I think it made me behave like one as well. My feminine qualities however showed more; my small lips, my hazel coloured eyes as well as my slender legs.

"Linda, aren't you tired of the crime life here?" I asked my assistant.

The plump, blond haired lady answered, "Nope, I'm very comfortable with it. No crime, no stress. You should be too."

"Well, I need some action. Maybe, next year though. It's the spirit of joy and happiness, don't need any bad news." I answered as the phone began to ring.

"Hello, police department. How can we help?" Linda answered, and I watched as her face became angry. "Okay, we'll be on our way." She said and dropped the phone.

"It seems like your prayers have been answered. The mayor's daughter has gone missing."

Wow, this was going to be a huge case. No one messed with the Mayor's family.

First chapter, what do you think? Let me know your thoughts. Remember to tap the vote star 🌟

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