New Arrivals Rew Recruits

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It's been a week since Sonic and Tails had disappeared to another world and surprisingly know one even noticed that they were gone but for Amy she's gonna be in for a big Adventure with some help.

In Central City Amy was walking through the town was bored out of her mind trying to find something to do besides shopping and grocery shopping all day so she was lonely and bored of the same old days in central city nothing happening.

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Amy: "Jeez, everyday is the same old thing in central city, same people, same place, same day, and same everything." Any said in a board tone. "Ever since we stopped Eggman and infinite from destroying the world there really hasn't been much to do ever since then." She complained.

Amy continued to Pursue her afternoon walk until something caught her attention she saw a broken down factory with multiple police men, security guards, scientists,and news team she then walked over to see what's going on over there and there were multiple people in her way wanting to know what's going on but the police were trying to keep the citizens back from knowing what's happening then Amy walked towards the crowd to see what's all the commotion is about.

Amy: "Um excuse me sir but what's going on over there?" She asked a regular citizen.

Citizen: "Some security guards were attacked by these robotic bug or something like that and this strange creature came and save them." The   Civilian answered.

Amy: "Oh ok thanks." She thank the nice stranger, Amy tried to get a closer look but Police was shoving everyone back.

Police officer: "Alright everyone back it up back it up, there's nothing to see hear!" He yelled out to the crowd.

Police officer 2: "You heard the man people keep it moving keep it moving!" He also said

Amy Thoughts: "Well they're not gonna let me see what's going on I'm gonna have to make my own way."

Amy ran out of the crowd to go behind the factory but she then stopped and saw a few policemen behind the factory too so she had to come up with a plan fast. She then thought of a plan, she then looked at her ring bracelet and activated her invisibility mode on, she was now invisible for a short amount of time so she have to act fast, she ran back a few Notches from the fence and then ran toward it jumping high doing a flip over the fence pass the police as soon as she got over the fence she grunted trying to steady her land.

Amy: "Off." She grunted

Policeman 3: "Hey Kyle, did you here that?" He questioned his partner.

Officer Kyle: "Heard what?" He asked as he looked confused.

Policeman 3: "I think I heard a noise." He said

Officer Kyle: "Nah, probably just the guard dogs whining again." He answered

Policeman 3: "You're probably right." He then said and he went back to watch over the factory.

Back with Amy she climbed into a broken window and sneak in to see what cause this monstrosity in this factory. As she is walking through the building she saw many inventions destroyed, damaged computers, and saw this big hole through the roof that has probably been blasted through.

Amy: "Jeez what could have done?" She asked herself as she continued to snoop around the laboratory she picked up a blueprint she had stepped on and read it. "Project A.C.F?" She read while looking confused. The blueprint showed a diamond shaped figure with a machine that looks like it could power up this strange crystal. "So They're trying to power up this is a mistake or strange crystal for what reason?" As soon a she said that a scientist came and spooked both of them this also caught Amy off guard.

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