Training time

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It's been a day since Metal Sonic has been defeated by the two hero's of Arendelle. The townspeople finally accept Sonic and Tails for who they are and what they have done for their kingdom.

Meanwhile in Arendelle courtyard Sonic, and Tails we're trying to Convince Elsa to train with them to test out her powers to see what her limits are and especially to be ready if another attack happens.

Sonic: "Aww come on Elsa, it's just for practice." He begged Elsa to train with him.

Tails: "Yeah, and we need to see what you're really capable of, and we need to stay in shape for another battle." The smart fox reasoned to Elsa trying to change her mind.

Elsa: "I don't know." She said while looking down at her hands. "I may have ice powers and can do many things with them, but I don't know about fighting that much." She looked down nervous about the idea of fighting.

Sonic: "Oh come on, what you did yesterday to Metal Sonic was amazing,and besides I had never seen any human with an extraordinary powers like you." He told her which got her attention.

Elsa: "Really?" She smiled "You never seen a human with any magical powers? She asked

Sonic: "No, never." He answered while looking up to Elsa.

Elsa: "Wow".... she paused and then think about what Sonic and Tails said about practicing her powers for fighting.

Elsa: "But Sonic.. are you sure about this... idea of fighting?" She nervously looked at him.

Sonic walked up to Elsa and took her hands and holding them in his gloved hands and began to say. "Elsa, with this power of yours I believe you can do anything if you put your heart into it, just believe in yourself." Sonic said in a passionate calm tone to her. "I know that you're still kinda nervous from yesterday, it was probably your first time doing something like that but sometimes you just gotta let loose and be yourself at time to time, so will you train with us?" Sonic asked Elsa with a smile on his face.

Elsa took a deep breath and the gave them a answer. "Yes...I'll train with you for the sake of my kingdom." She said to the two with a smile.

Sonic: "Yes!!!" I knew you come around." Sonic cheered.

Tails: "This is great, now we can see what kind of moves and tricks you can do." Tails also cheered for Elsa.

Elsa: "Giggles." "I'm always happy to help." She said with a smile on her face.

Hi guys!!

Sonic, Elsa, and Tails looked from behind them and saw Anna, Kristoff and Olaf riding on Sven coming there way from the castle doors.

Olaf: "What are you guys up to?" Olaf asked as he hoped off of Sven running to them.

Sonic: "Nothin much we're about to help Elsa how to fight with her powers just in case another thing happens to Arendelle. Sonic said to them and this made Anna kinda nervous about Elsa's safety.

Kristoff: "Cool, that sounds useful." He said as he likes the idea.

Olaf: "Ohh!!!" His widen with excitement "Do you think Elsa can make a big strong snowman like Marshmallow Anna?" He asked Anna and Kristoff

Anna: "I don't know about that Olaf and are guys sure that this is necessary?" She asked the three.

Tails: "Of course, we need to be ready at all times and we need to see what kind of tricks she can learn." He explained

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