An unexpected welcome

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In the snowy mountains

The trio started making the down through the cold snowy mountain, Amy was holding Choa in her arms as they are both shivering in the cold while Knuckles is used to this kind of weather anyway as he's been guarding the Island for who knows how long but he's used to it.

Amy: "M-m- my go-g- goodness it's so c-c- cold out here!" She said while shivering as she is hold Chao.

Knuckles: "Eh, I don't see what's the problem with the weather it's fine to me." He said as He shrugged the weather off him as it does not bother him.

Amy: "How are you not cold?" She asked him

Knuckles: "I've been guarding the island for years and I've kind of got used to this kind of weather." He answered back.

Amy: "Well whatever we need to find somewhere to keep warm through this weather, because me and this little guy are freezing." She stated

Knuckles: "What's wrong you're that cold?" He asked her

Amy: "Um, yeah why wouldn't we be, it's cold as ice out here!" She said to him

Knuckles: Sorry if I made you mad, I'm just sayin that you don't have to complain about the weather it's not that bad. He said to her.

Amy: "What do you mean not that bad, the winds are roaring , Chao is freezing in the cold, and you're telling me that I'm complaining because it's cold!" She yelled at him.

Knuckles: "Yeah, that's probably why." He said as he pursue to keep walking down the snowy path.

Amy started to think that maybe she was Over exaggerated and probably need to calm down.

Amy: "Ok well maybe I am over exaggerating about this weather, but I mean look at this poor Chao he can catch a serious cold out here." She said as she hold him up to Knuckles.

Knuckles takes one good look at Amy and then Chao as he is sneezing, Knuckles knew that they can't stay in this weather for long because they'll freeze to death out here, so he looked around the forest to see if they can find a cabin or a small house out their somewhere, so he got an idea.

Knuckles: "Alright I'm gonna go climb up a tree and see if I can find somewhere to crash for a bit." He said to her as he looked up and saw a tall tree he could climb on and he starts making his way up there.

Amy looks up and is a little worried for his safety. "Be careful up there!" She said to him

Knuckles kept on climbing from branch to branch. "Don't worry about me, I can do- Woah w-woah jeez woah!" He accidentally broke a branch as he climbed as this made him lose his balance a little bit.

Amy looks up with a little worriedly in her eyes. "Don't fall Knuckles, do you want me to come up there and see something?!" She asked him.

Knuckles : "No- no I got it!" He said as he steadied his balance and makes his way on top of the tree. "Made it!" He yelled.

Amy: "Do you see anything up there?" She questioned him.

Knuckles: "No nothing yet!" He said as he continued searching for a place to stay he continued searching around tree until he smoke the air. "Perfect." He said to himself "Hey Amy if you're not frozen down there, I think there's a fire goin on over there that's not too far from here." He pointed out the direction.

Amy: "Perfect, now we can keep warm from this cold out here." She said in an excited mood.

Knuckles: "Great, we should get a move on now." He said as he glided from branch to branch.

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