11. Poetry

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On popular demand, Ansel ^^
(Howz it?)

"You peasants would know nothing about poetry, I say!" Faisal Mohammed Karem Yilmaz the Fifth was yapping again.

And Jubilant, Fane, Harvey and Ansel... one of those rare occasions where he'd come out of the library and sit outside in the sun, well Harvey had invited him to meet his friends.

"Don't you get tired from talking this much?" Fane scoffed.

"My mouth isn't small like your little peasant mouths... I am royalty, you parasite-"

"Then why are you here with us? Go sit with royalty?"

Faizal was a chihuahua. He was small, he had these bulging kohl lined eyes and he had a habit of yapping non stop.

"You should be grateful that I am in your presence-"

"Why? Your royalty kicked your butt away?"

Faizal could have evaporated due to anger, considering that he was way past his boiling point. But he pressed his lips tightly and stared at Fane, thinking that if he'd do that, Fane would somehow magically explode and die...

"We can at least listen to what he wrote, can't we?" Ansel finally butted in, chuckling softly at the antics of these boys, and Harvey looked at him.

The five of them, Harvey, Jubilant, Fane, Faizal and Ansel, whom Harvey had dragged out, were sitting together like old friends would.

And somehow, in the midst of talk, poetry became a topic.

"I'd rather have my ears bleed," Fane scoffed.

Faizal removed an elaborate, long and sharp hair pin from his gorgeous black hair, and smiled wickedly, "Do come here then."

Ansel laughed loudly, slapping the back of Harvey, and the younger boy felt a jolt from that touch, gulping down all unnecessary thoughts which arose...

Especially when Ansel was so close, their arms pressed together.

Faizal cleared his throat and made a great show of it, and after a while, he started speaking.

"The blueness epitomizes!
The pitch blackness of the waters,
Fugaciousness of my soul.
As I, lust for that gelid
Misery which pleasure pours!"

Faizal finished yapping, and bowed down to a dumbstruck audience, three of them- the ones with absolutely no connection to literature clapped delightedly, sending praises flying to the Prince.

While Ansel bit his lip.

"What's the matter?" Harvey whispered, when Faizal was slandering praises from the Sullivan brothers.

"Men have a nature to appreciate things they don't understand."

Harvey smiled, "How'd you know? I didn't concur a word of his."

"Whatever he said," Ansel couldn't hold back giggling now, "it meant that he wants to go on a swim!"

"Huh?" Harvey exclaimed loudly, unfortunately which caught the attention of the yapping chihuahua.

"You peasants over there-" he narrowed his rounded, pretty eyes. "How can you dare laugh in my presence?"

"It's nothing, Your Grace," Ansel stopped laughing, although not quite able to erase that gorgeous smile of his. "I was just not able to contain my delight at the humour from your verse."

And Faizal stomped over to Ansel, pushing apart Harvey shamelessly to stick close to the boy.

"You found it humorous?" He asked, even for a short span of time it came up- the childish, boyish nature of the Prince.

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