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| E U N O I A |(n

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| E U N O I A |
(n.) beautiful thinking, a well mind.

) beautiful thinking, a well mind

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| E P I G R A P H |

we have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins,
carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains,
93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames,
we are all just stars that have people's names.

 Nikita Gill [93 Percent Stardust]

— Nikita Gill [93 Percent Stardust]

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| I N T R O D U C T I O N |

life is an endless paradox, a riddle. it's not meant to be solved, or understood. it only ever demands to be felt. people have gone absolutely insane trying to make all the points turn into one direction or create their own stories that could fill the plot holes of life, but that hasn't happened. hopefully, it won't happen either. as if nature can be manipulated and controlled by mere humans who cannot even handle their own emotions and priorities. this may not even exist. it can be all in our sweet imagination. for our mind is a beautifully terrible part of us. and i, another human being who can't control her insignificant emotions, wish to leave my mark on this paradox with my imperfections (my poems).

this book is a collection of all of my imperfect, unedited, messy poems. some of these are not even proper poems. majority of these don't rhyme. some don't even make sense. but these are mine, and that's what matters the most.

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