• outgrown

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every day, i swallow my prescription pill of pain
with a tilted crown, i don't dare to think about you
the roots sink down, i'm weeping on the crust
these wildflowers are thicker than my trust

every night, i sleep with one eye wide open
afraid the world may crash when i wake up
or worse, see you in my darkest dreams
it's harder than i thought, or so it seems

tripping on my words, i'm gripping onto you
been shedding my skin, but you live in my soul
my art is a sorrow that cannot speak on its own
my heart is drained from being picked up and thrown

i conceal you in my verses like prey from predator
and my reflection forbids me from dwelling in the past
wish i knew things as i know now that it is known
you're the worn-out jeans i have recently outgrown

— SweetSimu. 

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