• 05/02/2019

18 2 0

it's funny how things stay the same.

one year ago, 5th february 2019.
at the same place, the same clothes,
no sunshine, on a day a bit cooler.
i almost forgot about the present.
the trees were there, their shade on me
this time a little bird was my company.
the place screamed your nine letters
and i was lost in a world of mirror mazes.
the peace was too loud, just as i want.
but this time too, some soon crashed in
and i honestly thought you were there.
the moment i thought i couldn't let go
i remembered how i own my happiness.
my bright place of perfect and tic-tac-toe
doesn't have to be remembered as yours.

it's funny how things always change.

— SweetSimu.

[here, "perfect" refers to the song by ed sheeran!]

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