another celesgiri chapter

Start from the beginning

"I have a photo shoot with Togami at 10, but otherwise, no." Kyoko sat her mug onto the table, finished with her coffee.

"There's supposed to be a ball tomorrow too," Naegi grabbed Kyoko's mug and got up to wash it. "Are you going?"

"I'll talk to Togami, but I don't think I even want to go." Kyoko shrugged.

"Huh, why not?"

"Just not in a 'ball' kind of mood." Kyoko shrugged.

"Eh, I guess I understand. But still, when was the last time you went to a ball?"

"Last month."

"Oh, then I guess that wasn't too long ago." Naegi shrugged, drying the dishes. 

Silence lingered. Naegi turned the water off and faced Kyoko. "Shall we explore the castle?"

"Why not?"

The two of them explored the castle, surprised by how elegant this castle was. The Quadport castle was quite plain, but Kyoko thought it suited her quite well. Kyoko could see how the castle fit Togami and her sister-in-law.

The purple haired princess caressed her own chin with her gloved fingers. She noticed that every time she thought about Celestia, she said sister-in-law. Come to think of it, she'd never said Celestia's name out loud before. She'd have to try it later.

"Woah! Miss, look at that water fountain!" Naegi exclaimed upon seeing the water fountain.

"We have the same one at our castle." Kyoko laughed. Remembering the water fountain that her and Naegi used to play at when they were kids.

"Oh, we do, huh?" Naegi tapped his chin. "Yeah! We used to play there when we were kids."

"And you couldn't stop dirtying your suit." Kyoko giggled.

"I've changed since then! All of my suits stay clean now." Naegi seemed satisfied with himself, smoothing out the hem of his suit.

"What about the milk earlier?"

"It's a rare occurrence!"

~time skip~

It had gotten late, so the two had gone back to their rooms. Finally, Kyoko was alone. It's not that Kyoko wanted Naegi to go away, but being alone was just as good as being with someone to her. She wanted a fair share of both.

Now, it was time. She'd been waiting for a few hours, but finally, she was alone.

"Celestia Ludenberg." Kyoko said out loud. The name flowed across her lips naturally, but not as naturally as it'd been when Celestia had said it with her thick accent.

While Kyoko was occupied with the thought of Celestia, someone knocked on her door. Almost surprised, she walked up to the door. In all honesty, she expected Naegi.

"Yes, Nae-" Kyoko fell silent as she noticed that Naegi wasn't on the other side of the door.

"Hello, Kyoko. You called for me." Celestia showed her usual smile. She seemed amused.

"Hm? Oh, you mean me saying your name?" Kyoko said, trying to buy time to come up with an excuse.

"Yes. The walls here are paper-thin. I may have overheard the conversation between you and your servant, too." Celestia brought a hand to her mouth, giggling. As she did so, she showed off her neatly painted nails. Kyoko liked the shade of red.

"My apologies. I'd never said your name out loud before, so I didn't want to pronounce it wrong when I address you." Kyoko bowed slightly when she apologized.

"Oh, really? No need to apologize. You did a splendid job on the first time."

"Thank you, Celestia." Kyoko smirked. Talking to Celestia was a lot more pleasant than she'd initially imagined.

"My pleasure." Celestia paused for a moment, "Will you be attending the ball tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't like to, but I haven't talked to Togami yet.. So I'm not sure."

"If you decide against it, please, come visit me. I'll be next door." Before Kyoko could say anything back, Celestia began walking back to her room. When Kyoko closed the door, she could still hear the rhythmic clicking of Celestia's heels.

Kyoko changed into her nightgown and turned the light off. As she laid in the considerably oversized bed, she said Celestia's name, whispering this time.

"Celestia." Kyoko muttered, smiling slightly. Kyoko closed her eyes and imagined Celestia. Kyoko found Celestia's style interesting. Celestia and Byakuya were siblings, but they acted nothing alike.. from what she knew so far.

The lavender haired princess had to remind herself not to let her guard down. Celestia could be just like Togami.

But, Kyoko found herself wanting to trust Celestia, just a little bit.

~the next morning~

Come the next morning, Kyoko was up bright and early. She readied herself for the photo shoot, met up with Togami, and left. This morning, Naegi wasn't late.

"Togami?" Kyoko asked.

"Yes, dear?" Togami smiled. Kyoko mentally cringed. She hated him so much it was almost unbearable. If she could throw herself out of the window and onto the road, she would.

"Will you be going to the ball later?" Kyoko tried her hardest not to frown.

"Yes, I plan on attending. But for you, it's optional."

"In that case, I won't be attending." Kyoko smiled, thinking about what she'd do instead of being at the ball.

"Alright, then. After the photo shoot, please meet me in my bedroom." Togami instructed, his expression becoming more stern.

"Understood." Kyoko watched as Togami's expression grew softer, due to Naegi glancing at him.

The photo shoot was okay, it was just like any other photo shoot ever been to. Until it was Kyoko's turn to take pictures with Togami. They guided the two of them into positions that'd look good on couples, which was nothing too bad at first. Although, Kyoko found that Togami reeked of bitter-smelling cologne.

Things got absolutely horrible when they'd instructed that Togami and Kyoko kiss. Their lips connected, and a piece of Kyoko died. He tasted like sorrow and regret. Kyoko wanted her first kiss to be passionate, yet, here it was. She hoped that her second, third, and even fourth kiss would be better than this one had been.

What she didn't know yet, was that they would be.

Word count: 1507
i think that i'm getting taller. i will be 6ft tall by the end of this month. anyway we got 100 followers now,, rad haha. i didn't make anything for this occasion cause my inspiration is fried. i might disappear in a week or so

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