Chapter fifteen

Comincia dall'inizio

He picked up the passports and turned to look at the man with horror as he heard Zayn in distant ask him what he was doing and to give the man his stuff back.

Louis kept staring at him which made the guy nervous. He didn't understand why he wouldn't give him his belongings.

That's when he heard it. He heard that beautiful, loud and obnoxious laugh come from nearby and that's when his head farted in the direction of the sound.

"Lou give him his passport." Zayn comes behind him trying to snatch the passports from him and Louis holds on strong. Zayn was confused and irritated that Louis was being a prick. The guy clearly said he was in a rush.

That when he noticed Louis was completely still. But facing away from him. He turned and looked in the same direction and there was Niall walking with Mr. Styles, hand in hand and both drinking coffee.

"Niall?!" Louis yelled pretty loud making most of the lobby area and people around them quiet down but not completely. That when Niall looked up and he saw his friends.

He saw both Louis and Niall next to the weirdo guy who had our luggage. He couldn't contain the happiness he had for being able to look at his friends again. It almost felt like a dream.

He slowly dropped his hand from Harry's and began to walk when it all happened.

It felt as if it were in slow motion but too quick to realize at the same time. The creepy weirdo guy took one of the suitcases and slung it to Louis' face sending him flying backwards before he pushed Zayn unto the ground. Niall watched this creepy guy beat up his friends in horror and fear. He felt Harry tug on his arm as tightly as he could and drag him out of the airport the way they came and the last sight of Zayn and Louis was gone.

Just as quick as he seen them. It was quickly gone.




"Niall please move your feet and stop fighting this." Harry says grabbing my arm and practically dragging me out into a runway where his private jet was located. The plane he had rode before.

"No! My friends! He's hurting them." I say distraught letting actual tears leave my eyes. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't even think. The pain I was holding in came crashing down on me harder than before. My heart felt heavy and like it was beating a millions miles an hour and my stomach was churning.

It hurt seeing that guy beat up my friends and I was being dragged away.

"We have to get out of here!" Harry says and he nods to the pilot who nodded at him before boarding the flight to start the plane. It was crazy how much pull Harry had and how his money made people do illegal things for him.

I felt unsafe for the first time around Harry. Something wasn't right. Harry seemed different.

His eyes were cold and he didn't have any sign of remorse. This seemed unreal.

I yanked and yanked my arm to be set free before finally I fell backwards trying to escape his harsh grasp.

"Harry!" I cry out sobbing sitting on the ground at the footsteps of the plane. He stopped and his face softened at the sight of me on the ground in pain. I looked down to my wrist and could see it was bruised and sore.

"Please." I croak out trying to hold back my tears. Harry frowns looking down at me before crouching down to my height. He cupped my face with his hands and wiped under my eyes with his thumbs as i sniffled.

"Niall. We can't stay here. We have been found and we can't risk everything for them. I promise it want my idea to take them down, he just did. But I got you out of there safe and sound. And out of jail. Just please let's go before anymore damage is done." Harry says and I sigh letting more tears fall.

"I don't ever want to hurt you. I'm trying to protect you." He says before he reaches down and kisses my forehead. I calm down breathing out my mouth before I complied and walked up the steps. Harry then held my hand a lot softer than before.

Once we boarded the plane and everything was together the plane took off as planned. And I stared out the window the whole time wondering what the hell was Zayn and Louis going through and how did they find him.




"Any good news boring?" Bora come up to Gary's table with a smile on her face feeling like the man with the plan. Gary had a dead end with Liam and he didn't know what to do. He wouldn't crack and insists the house was his and that Harry and Niall have never stopped by. He knew they were lies but it was enough to lock him up.

"Lieutenant called me in his office to give me two tickets to the UK." She says to him and flashed them in his face. He sits up confused as to why his boss was giving her a vacation in the middle of the investigation.

"Bora what the hell, we have work to do." Gary says groaning at the sight of the tickets before she rolled her eyes.

"Boss just got a phone call from the airport security in the UK and says that Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson we're arrested for fighting in the airport." She smiles knowing Garry was so fucking  confused.

"Okay and that means?" He asks confused.

"That means you can go home, get your passport and pack a suit or two because those boys claimed to have seen Niall with Mr. Styles and have evidence on where he might be. Oh and you can let Liam out on your way because he's useless now." She says and bends down to his ear smiling arrogantly.

"Best. Detective. Ever."


There you go!!!

Harry hasn't completely lost his shit yet.

What do you think will happen next? Let me know.

Also if One direction doesn't drop this Infinity music video I might die.

Love and kisses ;)

Bates Lane || Narry AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora