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I thought I posted this last night...My bad 😬.


3rd POV

Jorja and Normani were in Y/n bedroom in silence. It was a lot of tension in the air and they were both secretly nervous.

Normani stood next to the door while Jorja sat on the bed.

Normani bit her lip and looked up at Jorja who was looking down at her hands.

Normani practiced what she would say to Jorja for years. She knew that leaving Jorja hurt her and she still felt terrible about it.

However, even though she practiced what she would say to Jorja...She couldn't help but draw a blank as they sat in the room so...She decided to improvise.

Normani sighed. "Four months was a long time for me."

Jorja frowned slightly and looked up meeting her eyes.

"The four months we spent together? That was a long time for me."

Jorja scoffed not believing her as she looked back down at her hands.

Normani shook her head. "I'm being honest. Athena, you know I felt something for you that I didn't feel before- something that I didn't even feel for Adonis."

Jorja slowly met Normani's eyes again.

"The time we spent together...I actually fell for you," Normani shrugged and slowly started towards Jorja. "I fell so hard that I assumed you had to be my soulmate," she sat next to Jorja. "But, I waited for that zing that everyone talked about to happen and, it never came," she chuckled slightly looking down. "Now that I think about it, you and Y/n are similar which is probably why I fell for you."

Jorja swallowed thickly as Normani turned to look at her.

"And I'm not saying that I'm in love with you now or anything but, I need you to know that I didn't just fuck and dump. I know that's why you hate me now and...That hurts. I actually feel like we were meant to always be together in some shape or form because what are the odds that we share the same soulmate?"

Jorja chuckled slightly.

Normani gasped. "I got you to laugh."

Jorja rolled her eyes. "You could've at least waited until I woke up," Jorja scoffed looking down. "I was actually going to tell you how I felt that morning."

"I know," Jorja looked back at Normani who smiled softly. "That's why I left. I knew that we both had feelings for each other and...I wanted to start a relationship with you but, I also knew that we weren't soulmates. That meant that one day you would find yours and leave me because the love you would have for them would be stronger than the love you could ever have for me."

Jorja sighed knowing she was right.

Normani chuckled softly. "It's cool because now that I have Y/n...I don't even know what the shit I felt for other people was."

Jorja nodded. "Tell me about it."

They both smiled simultaneously as their soulmate popped into their head.

Normani shook her head and looked over at Jorja. "You believe me yeah? You were the one Athena, genuinely. If this soulmate shit wasn't a thing I would've made you mine but, it is a thing and...I just need you to forgive me and understand why I left."

Jorja stared into the eyes of the girl she was once madly in love with. Jorja was bitter because of how Normani just up and left her but, after this talk, she's finally getting the closure she needed.

Old LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz