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I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up in bed. Looking down at my lap I noticed a book.

Thot's book.

Okayyyyyy. So that happened but...

I looked around not noticing the bedroom I was in.

Where the hell am I?

"About time."

My heart skipped a beat and chills ran throughout my body as I heard an extremely familiar voice come from the right side of the room.

No that's not who I think it is because...No.

"Wow, your mother and I taught you better than that," he whispered. "You're supposed to look people in the eye when they are talking to you...Especially your dad."

I gulped and slowly looked towards the voice.

My heart fell and I quickly climbed out of bed.

"I- Wha- W-Who are you?"

He frowned slightly. "Hm. Matthew King," he took a cautious step towards me. "Your dad- Or your earth dad as I'm sure you're aware of now...Powers and all-"

"Cut the bullshit," I clenched my jaw. "You think impersonating my dad is okay? Who the hell are you and what do you want?"

"Right, I wouldn't believe me either...I can prove it."

I squinted. "Go ahead then...Tell me something only my dad would know."

He sighed and looked down. "Okay...When you were five you broke your pinky and walked around with a broken pinky for a month because you knew if your mother and I found out we would take you to the hospital. You knew we didn't have the money to pay for the bills so you hid it from us until it started to turn purple."

I frowned and clenched my fist before scoffing. "Y-You could have probed my mind or something f-for memories," I shook my head. "You..." I observed every inch of him.

I don't know.

I mean usually, it's obvious who's a God or whatever and who's not...I'm not getting that God energy from him.

"Fine. Check."

I titled my head meeting his eyes. "What?"

He took a step towards me. "Check if I'm really me."

I rolled my eyes. "Now how would I do that?"

He smiled softly taking another step towards me. "You have the powers to do so but, you can use my chain."

I subconsciously reached up gripping the chain that I haven't taken off since Adam...Died.

"How would I use this chain?"

He nodded towards the palm of my hand. "You were supposed to use that to bring me back but, Zeus had other plans. You were supposed to acquire the power of Lighting regardless but, later on down the road. Remember when you fought Adam, the first man, and your mother came to save you?"

I nodded slowly.

"Remember that lighting?"

I nodded again.

"Zeus was afraid you would die since your mother wasn't allowed to intervene...Although she did in the end, breaking many many rules, it was too late for Zeus to stop those powers from getting to you. Once you received those powers and used them for the first time you opened the portal for me to come back," he nodded down at the chain. "Which means that the one use that chain has...Hasn't been used yet...And that means you can use it now."

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