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...Heyyy 😇


1 month later

I sighed as I squinted looking up at the sky.

I was of course in the woods because when am I not?

Blowing a raspberry I closed my eyes and sighed again.

I feel like life has been moving real fucking fast...Well, it was moving fast and then it just came to a halt.

Like one moment everything is happening at once- Meeting my real mom, my brother dying and then re aliving, me meeting my entities back to back, my soulmates getting pregnant- Just last week I was still a virgin.

I mean it wasn't too long ago when my entities were harassing me with sharks, demon things, big ass creatures, wolves...They really threw some wild shit at me and now we all buddy buddy...I need to curse them out at least once.

Maybe twice.

Anyways, all that seems like just yesterday.

It's almost like my life is a story and the author got really into it and then her depression kicked her ass so she started to stop caring about this story.

Then since she stopped caring she started to rush the story so that she could finish it and not leave the people hanging.

But her depression said "HA! We ain't gots to see this one through mah boi."

So she just said fuck it and stopped writing and that was the end of it...Or so we thought.

Because now the author has fixed...Is fixing her shit and her creative juices are flowing again.

I opened my eyes and cleared my throat before closing them again.

Or something like that.

Shit has just been soooo hectic and then everything just stops happening and I'm starting to feel like I need a recap of my own fucking life.

Like who's still trying to kill me?

Who do I need to kill?

What questions do I still have?

What mysteries are left to unfold?

Any new powers?

Find out next time one Dragon Ball Super?

I groaned and ran a hand down my face as I sat up.

Ok first let's think about what's happened in this last month.

Well, Jorja and Normani have definitely become the best of friends. I mean I could tell they were getting closer or whatever but now it's like they are sisters or something.

Now I'm not exactly sure what happened but I can recreate a scenario since I know them so well.

I think it went something like this.

"Gee," Jorja mumbled as she sat in the middle of the woods with Normani. "We sure have been getting closer."

Normani hummed. "Very true. Such a random friendship considering all the bad blood we had in the past."

Jorja nodded. "I know right? I think it'd be dope to have a story written about us. Like there are sooo many romance books about enemies to lovers but what about enemies to best friends? Where are the stories about a good-ass friendship blossoming? A platonic friendship?"

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