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Long chapter just stay with me.

3rd POV

A ten-year-old Y/n leaned against a tree as she tried to catch her breath. Running through the woods was one of her favorite past times but, on this particular day, she went deeper into the woods than she was permitted.

Little did she know someone was following her all day.

She looked around and gripped her toy plane as she continued deeper into the woods. She paused at the sound of water running.

After playing pilot and running around for more than three hours she was fairly thirsty. Shrugging she made her way towards the sound of water and spotted a clearing. Running towards the clearing she paused once more as she spotted two women sitting under a huge umbrella.

"Hmm," Y/n smiled and slowly walked towards the women. "Hello!"

They didn't reply causing Y/n to frown.

"Excuse me!" Y/n walked closer as the two women finally turned towards her. "Hello."

The lighter woman just stared as the darker one smiled. "How are you?"

The darker woman couldn't help but find the kid adorable. She had grey eyes and a huge curly Afro that reached the middle of her back. The kid's skin was a little lighter than the women's, almost caramel.

"Oh, I'm-"

"Why are you out here?" The lighter one asked causing Y/n to frown at her rude behavior.

"Be nice Jorja," the darker one shook her head looking back at Y/n. "Do you like planes?"

The smile quickly returned to Y/n's face. "Of course! One day I'll travel the world and search for Emilia Earhart."

The lighter one-Jorja chuckled. "Gee remember Emilia? She was such a goop."

"Yes she was, we told her not to mess with the wolves."

"What? Emilia wasn't a goop."

"And how would you know?" Jorja raised a brow.

Y/n frowned as Sza shook her head. "Don't be an ass."

Y/n crossed her arms. "Yes don't be an ass," Y/n hummed. "How would you know if Emilia was a goop?"

Jorja smirked and leaned towards Y/n. "Look Sza you got the child cursing but," she shrugged. "I'm immortal, I've been around longer than the pyramids in Egypt."

"Yeah right," Y/n crossed her arms. "For such a dish you sure are a dumb Dora."

Jorja chuckled and nodded. "Thank you."

Sza shook her head. "What's your name?"

Y/n rolled her eyes and paused as she noticed the women's expensive-looking clothes.

"Wait where are you two from?"

"Why?" Sza tilted her head.

Y/n shrugged. "You two look wealthy and I know people with my skin color can't have a lot of money, at least not here," Y/n shrugged looking at her plane. "Tell me where you're from so I can fly me and my family to that place."

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