Wrong name - Thor - Part 2

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"Where is lady y/n? I demand to see her!" Thor boomed. Steve jumped, dropping his plate, which smashed all of the marble floor, Nat and Bruce growled as there were nearly finished their board game when Clint came crashing through the ceiling onto the table where they were playing and Tony groaned because that was the fifth time Clint had done that this week.

"Thor, what are you on about?" Bruce asked, tidying the mess up. "Don't you all lie to me! Where is she?! I know she is here!" He demanded more. "Point break, Y/n isn't here. Anyway, shouldn't she be with you?" Tony questioned. This threw Thor off. "We had an argument" he said. "You call that an argument?!" Pietro said speeding into the room. Everyone turned around to see Pietro with a face like thunder. "What is going on?" Nat asked. "Nothing" Thor boomed again. "Nothing? Are you serious? You call what you did nothing?" Pietro spat.

I was hearing the argument from all the way on the 10th floor and I couldn't take it much longer. However much I didn't want to see him, him coming in here shouting and screaming my name, wasn't going to help. Judging by Wanda's expression, she knew I wasn't going to stay listening. "Take me with you speedy" she said hanging onto me while we dashed to the living room.

As we arrived, Thor and Pietro were about to get physical. "ENOUGH" I shouted, using my powers to throw them both back. Clint, Tony, Bruce, Steve and Nat all looked at me with concern. They could see I had been crying. "Y/n, what's happened?" Steve asked me. "My love, I'm so sor..." Thor started but I cut him off. "You don't ever get to call me that again" I seethed, while letting them both free. "Please". "No. How can I be with you when I know you're in love with someone else" I whispered. "Oh shit" Tony whispered. "In love with who?" Bruce asked. "He said Jane's name instead of Y/n at the alter" Wanda said. "You what!" They all shouted in unison.

Clint seemed the angriest, well apart from Wanda and Piet. Since Sokovia, and after Pietro's near death experience, he had adopted us in a way and became our older brother figure. He looked after us and trained us to what we are today so when I looked at him and saw his expression, I wasn't surprised. I was more worried about what he was going to do to Thor.

"Tell me this isn't true" Clint asked. Thor dipped his head in shame. "After 5 years. 5 years!" Nat shouted. "How stupid are you" she added. "Very. Y/n, I didn't mean it, I love you and only you" he begged. "Its not enough Thor. I can't be with someone who says other people's names at the alter. I can't be with someone that after 5 years, doesn't know their loves name" I cried. I walked over to him and I placed my engagement ring in his hand. "I'm sorry" he cried. "And I'm sorry too" I whispered, walking away.

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