Breakdown - Steve Rogers

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Today couldn't have gone better. Not.

For the past couple months, I hadn't been feeling myself. I was upset all the time but I never showed it.

Things were going on at my second job which was beyond stupid, then breaking up with my ex didn't help either and petty arguments back at the tower was getting out of hand. Mainly everyone asking if I'm okay and me snapping that I am fine.

I'm not an Avenger, nor an agent. I am Tony Stark's PA. But I also work part time in a café. Mainly to stop me from killing Stark.

When he announced he was Iron Man, all the press came after me to get information. Stark didn't like it so for my protection, I moved to the tower. But I still managed to convince him to let me get my second job.

Luckily for me, I got on with everyone. Especially Steve. We are joined at the hip. He is the best friend I never had. We told each other everything, but I didn't tell him how I was struggling. What I didn't know was, that he had noticed how much I was struggling.

But today I just had this feeling I was going to crack.

The day started really badly. I got into work and was given a shitty apology from my colleague, which resulted in us arguing. "I gave you an apology what more do you want?" He snapped. "A meaningful one!" I snapped back.

I then had shitty customers who couldn't understand that the panini maker had stopped working. I mean it's a bloody panini maker!! Not the end of the world.

And finally to top it all off, I burnt myself badly. "Great! A trip to A&E" I groaned.

Could anything else go wrong?

I stomped into the Avengers Tower, after my trip to the hospital and headed towards my room. Mostly everyone was sat in the living room and when they heard the elevator ding, they turned round.

"Doll, what have you done to your hands?" Bucky asked, but I wasn't going to stop. I just wanted to be alone. Everyone looked at Steve. "Y/n hasn't been right for ages but I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong" he told them.

As I entered my room, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and was suddenly frozen to the spot.

Message: Ex😒
"I am so sorry my bumblebee. Please forgive me! I still love you❤️xx"

"I'll stop I promise. We are good together. Please don't throw it away"

"Please answer!"

"Fuck off then. I don't need you!!"

As I read them, anger consumed me pretty quickly and before I knew it, I was screaming and chucked my phone at the wall.

"FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF" I screamed. Tears were rolling down my face.

Those texts were the tip of the ice berg and all of my emotions that I've been feeling for ages came spilling out.

I didn't care who heard me. But everyone was concerned and ran to my room. The scene that was unfolding, shocked them.

I began to grab anything in my way and threw it. I didn't stop. I needed to get it out and throwing things seemed like the best way.

"Y/n, you need to stop!" A voice shouted, grabbing my shoulders. "GO AWAY!" I screamed, hitting them hard. It hurt my burnt hands but I didn't care. I didn't care anymore.

"It's okay, I've got you". I was being pulled into someones chest.

As soon as their arms wrapped around me, I instantly knew it was Steve. Oh my bestest friend Steve.

I kept trying to fight but his embrace was too strong. I grabbed his shirt into my throbbing fists and cried.

"Steve I can't take anymore" I sobbed out.

Everyone was stood by the door, broken-hearted at what they've just witnessed. Steve looked at them and nodded for them to leave you both alone for a minute.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly. I pulled away from his embrace and answered, "I thought I could handle it on my own but today has been so shit". "Oh y/n. You don't have to go through this by yourself. You should have told me. Maybe then this wouldn't have happened". I looked around my room.

Paper work was everywhere, my desk was in half, my lamp was broken. I had even pulled my book shelve down. "Oh god" I whispered, realising what I've done. I felt Steve pull me against his chest again. "What have I done?". "Don't say that. This is all fixable. Here, it'll give Tony something to do other than working on his suits" Steve laughed trying to lighten the mood. I let out a small laugh too.

He pulled back and took my hands in his. I winced. "Sorry. What happened?" He asked. "I tripped and put my hands on the griddle to stop me from falling but I didn't realise it was on" I replied. "Oh my darling". "Spent 3 hours in hospital" I added. His eyes went wide. "Why didn't you call?". "Didn't think it was that bad. Well probably worse now" I smiled. "Maybe we should go back and get it checked" he stated. "I'm sure Bruce will look". Steve nodded.

"Steve I am sorry". I felt guilty. Steve told me that everyone witnessed it. Double the guilt now.

"Don't be sorry. Just promise me you'll tell me next time and we can go through it together?" He bargained. "I promise. But I'm also going to get some help from the doctors too. It's not fair to put everything on you" I said. "Then I'm coming with you". I looked up at him. "You don't have to" I stuttered. "Y/n, I want to". "Thank you. For everything" I whispered. "I'm always here. Never forgot that" Steve said pulling me into a hug.

Our moment was interrupted by Tony walking in with all his tools. "So I'm thinking of completely redecorating Y/n. You know, make it more you. With a hint of me of course" he winked. "Stark, I swear to god. You put a hint of you in, then you'll be looking for a new PA" I warned. "Not even this pillow with my face on?" He showed me. Steve and I burst out laughing. "No that'll give me nightmares!" I laughed. "Okay okay I get you. Now get out so I can start my masterpiece" he said shooing us out.

Everyone was understanding and they said that they would be there for me whenever I needed them. I was very touched.

I knew from that moment on that I never had to go through anything alone, as long as I had Steve and my second family.

A/N: If anyone is going through anything like this, then please remember I am a message away. I am here for all of you❤️

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