Childish behaviour - Sebastian Stan

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"Doll are you alright?" Seb asked me as I walked into our shared house. "No" I shouted and stormed off to have a shower.

Being a baker was amazing! My dream job! But the people I worked with were hard work. When I first started, they were all so loving and caring, but now they had shown their true colours.

It all started because I deleted my Facebook account. I only deleted it because fans of Seb's somehow found me and were trying to add me. Don't get me wrong, I love his fans but it was getting too much. I can cope with them all following me on Instagram, it doesn't bother me but my Facebook is used to keep in touch with friends that I use to go to school and college with. It was personal to me. Now I don't have it.

When I got into work that morning, I was bombarded with questions of why I wasn't friends with them anymore on Facebook. I explained but they told me I was lying. I was shocked and hurt to think that they thought I was lying. They know I wouldn't lie. I couldn't lie. If I did, I was so bad that they could all see.

The whole day was people talking about me and being annoyed over Facebook that I snapped. "Listen, there are more bloody things going on in the world than bloody Facebook. And it hurts me to know that you think I am a liar! You are being childish! Now either shut up or leave me alone!" I screamed at them. They stopped and didn't know what to say. Luckily it was when I was going home, so I just walked out. Thank god.

The steaming hot shower was nice against my skin and it helped me relax a little. Once I was done, I dried and got into my pjs. When I walked to the bedroom, I noticed Seb was on the bed, in his pjs, with his arms outstretched ready to hug me. I walked over to him and as soon as I fell into his arms, I let all my emotions out. "It's okay doll, I'm here" he whispered while hugging me tighter. He didn't need to ask what was going on as he already knew from my texts earlier.

"Now we have a Chinese takeaway coming and we are going to cuddle and watch a film, okay". I nodded while snuggling into him deeper. I didn't know what I would do if I didn't have Seb. Probably end up killing all of my colleagues.
A/N - this is actually happening to me now (apart from the boyfriend bit). I am classed as a key worker during this horrible time as I am a baker for a supermarket. I deleted Facebook the other day as I broke up from my boyfriend so I needed time away. So to help my mental health I deleted it but everyone at work is obsessed with Facebook. It's getting on my nerves. Question after question is about why I'm not on Facebook anymore. Like there is a pandemic going on people! Sorry for the rant. But I decided to write this to vent my frustration and my sadness about it.

One Shots 😍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ