"My boyfriend got really sick the other night, so he's stuck there for a little bit, but wants to meet you." I explained.

"What's he sick with?"


Martha raised an eyebrow. "Like... the sniffly, warm skin fever..? Or yellow fever or something?"

"God, yellow fever would suck." (Haha, I'm funny) I sighed. "Nope, normal fever. I studied a little about them, people die from fevers. They're basically fatal if the host's body temperature goes up to 111F, and even if the person survives they'll probably end up with a fried egg instead of a brain or convulsions."
(It's a learning program! Learn about death from fever and fear for your life, cause I know I sure do now)

"Ok... well what heat was your boyfriend?"

"Last I checked, 105. He said it wasn't going down and the only reason he felt better was because the doctor gave him medicine."

"Huh. I never understood why fevers were so scary."

"Yeah nor did I honestly."

The conversation was over, so I drove and listened to James and Mary squabble. At some point it got on my nerves though, so I waited for the next red light and turned around.

"Mary, James, why're you arguing?" I asked.

"He said he was gonna go sit up front and I told him he's too small but he kept saying he was gonna sit up front and—" Mary explained.

"Ok. I get it." I sighed. "Mary, you're right. James, you're too young to come up here." (I wish I could hear that from my dad)

James whined but I ignored him because the light had turned green.

"James, please, we're almost there." I sighed, looking at the backseat.

Mary looked very smug, James was whining like crazy and Henry just looked fed up with life.

I parked my car and ushered my siblings out, handing James to Martha so I could get the luggage.

I hauled the stuff to the elevator, with Henry's aid, after locking the car. I herded my siblings into the elevator then back out again, making my way to my apartment.

I unlocked the door and looked around, smiling at the sight of my house. I'd spent the last... week? Yeah, week at Alexander's and it was nice to be back.

"Ok, just put your stuff down, we're going to the hospital." I instructed, plopping the suitcases I was holding ok the carpet.

"Why?" Henry asked.

"You'll see." I explained. "Mk let's go now."

"You're impatient." Martha noted.

"No, I couldn't care less about my sick boyfriend." I said sarcastically.

Martha chuckled and walked back out, still holding James's hand. Mary followed suit with Henry trailing after her and I took a second to lock the door.


I knocked on the door and waited for a second before hearing a muffled version of Alexander's voice saying 'come in'. I opened the door and smiled at him.

He was seated on the bed, phone held loosely in one hand, while the other held his head up. He grinned at me then his eyes widened, which I assume meant he'd spotted my siblings.

I dragged them into the room and closed the door.

"Alexander, these are my siblings. Siblings, this is my boyfriend." I introduced, then I went more into detail, pointing at each of them in turn. "Martha, James, Mary and Henry."

Alexander beamed at Mary, who was sitting in the chair by his bed and playing with his hair.

"You have long hair." She commented.

"Yes, yes I do." Alexander replied.

"You're pale. And sweaty." Martha noted again and Alexander laughed.

"I'm sick." He explained. "Have you ever had a fever?" Mary nodded solemnly. "Imagine that, but ten times worse because now there's a chance that you end up dead."

Mary stared at him with wide eyes, looking at his pale skin like it had completely changed.

"But you're not gonna die, right?" I asked, suddenly worried.

Alexander met my eyes and shook his head, flashing a reassuring smile. I let out a sigh of relief as James went to shove Martha off the chair. Alexander noticed this and held him back.

"Let's not break any humans, ok?" He offered.

James nodded slowly and sat on the floor.

"I'm not sure if that hygienic or not." I shrugged.

Martha looked extremely suspicious of Alexander, which made me feel bad for my boyfriend, because he still blamed himself for something he didn't do.

I stepped closer to Martha.

"Try to talk to him, please?" I begged. "We've discussed this, Martha. C'mon."

She sighed but went to sit next to Alexander, striking up conversation. Martha and James were amusing themselves playing with Alexander's red hair and he didn't seem to care in the slightest, so that was good. Henry on the other hand, was looking over a few papers set to the side, which looked like doctor's forms.

I went to go sit next to my boyfriend, letting my brother read the papers if he wanted. Alexander moved away from everyone, scooting to the other side of the bed, before he started coughing loudly.

"Sorry." He mumbled before coughing some more.

I reached over and gave him a hug, pulling him back towards me. I kissed the top of his head and Martha and James made disgusted noises, whining.


Alexander and my siblings got along well, they'd settled into my house and the doctor said if all kept going well Alexander'd be fine by tomorrow.

All in all a not to heinous day.

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