Chapter 10

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John pov~

I hugged Martha and Mary as they walked in. Mary hopped up and down, laughing as she ran to the kitchen.

I watched my little sisters settle down on the couch after a bit of playful arguing.

"So, tell me what's been going on in your life." Martha stared at me as I sat down in between my two sisters.

"No, you tell me first. What's up with the puppy? Why d'you come? Are James and Henry ok? How are mom and dad doing? Have you come out yet?" I pressed Martha and she laughed a little.

"I'm almost there. Because we miss you and we both have the week off. Yes. Good. No." Martha replied spontaneously.

"Ask me a question!" Mary tugged at my sleeve.

"Ok. How's your new school?"

"It's good! There's this one kid who tried to argue with me but I taught him not to do that."

"Well that's great. No one's going to bother you now."

"Nope!" Mary beamed and I smiled softly, pulling her into a hug. "Hey, let go!"

"No. I've missed you." I patted her curly blonde hair and hugged her tighter.

"Let go!" Mary squealed again and I let her go.

"So John. How've you been doing?" Martha asked and I turned to face her. "Your channel sure did grow since I last checked on it."

I chuckled, remembering the bet that had sparked my channel in the first place. I'd lost that bet, but being on YouTube was fun, so I never deleted the account and kept posting stuff.

"I'm good." I fidgeted a little, not sure how to tell them about Alexander. "So, you both know I'm gay, right?"

"Yup!" Mary nodded enthusiastically.

"Did you get a boyfriend?" Martha was straight to the point.

"Yes. His name is Alexander."

"Is he nice?" Mary piped up.

"He's a lot like you." I booped her on the nose and smiled.

"Ok but like, is he a good boyfriend?"

"Yeah...? So far." I raised an eyebrow.

Martha nodded and furrowed her brow slightly. "Tell me more."

"Well he has has curly red hair and these really amazing blue eyes that almost seem purple and he's just an adorable human being I love him so much. He's really good at writing and really sweet and can be kinda hot-headed. He's bi absolutely the most lovable human being to exist and he's so cute and amazing and–"

Martha interrupted my rant. "We get it. He sounds great."

Mary laughed and rolled over so she was sprawled across my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled.


I yawned, and leaned against Martha. We'd shared all the interesting things in our lives and now we were just sitting watching Ghibli movies. Mary has fallen asleep.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up. A message from Angelica?

SchuylerSister#1: {image attached}

SchuylerSister#1: She's name Maria

I checked the picture and gasped. A girl wearing red was kissing Alex. He was backed up against a wall.

I dropped my phone and Martha stared at me, confused.

I grabbed my phone and showed her the screen, hands trembling. Martha gasped and frowned, eyes hardening as she scowled.

"Is that Alexander?"

"Y-yes. He went to a party at Angie's place..."

"Is he drunk? It's still a terrible move, but at least he wouldn't be fully aware of it."

"No. Alexander rarely drinks at parties and it takes a lot of alcohol for him to be drunk." I sighed and turned off my phone.

"What's going on?" Mary woke up, yawning.

"It's nothing, go back to sleep Mary." Martha whispered, eyes softening as she shushed her sister.

"No. I'm not tired." Mary yawned, her eyelids dropping.

"It's late, can you at least try to sleep?"

"O-okay." She yawned mid-sentence.

I smiled and cradled Mary as she fell asleep again.

"Wow, she was tired." I hummed, hugging my littlest sister.

"Back to the matter at hand. Your boyfriend cheated on you, while still sober. That's a pretty dick move." Martha frowned.

"Yeah... I guess." I felt a tears rise to my eyes and cut them back.

"Oh John. I'm sorry. That's one bad boyfriend."

"There's still a chance he was drunk?" I offered hopefully.

Martha shook her head. There was a knock and my older younger sister went to go get it. She stood there for a moment, and I couldn't hear what she was saying, until she slammed the door and turned to me.

"Your shitty ex came by."


For Forever ~Lams YouTube AU~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt