Chapter 20

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John pov~
(There's a lot of John's pov now. Oh how the tables have tabled)

I'd decided to spend the night at Alexander's house again, to make sure he didn't overwork himself and stay up all night, despite needing the rest. (I need a John)

I'd gone to sleep beside but him but woke up alone. It was midnight, where was he?

I sat up, looking around. Alexander was nowhere to be seen.

I got out of bed and looked out the door at the hall, trying to see where there was light. There was none, and all the doors were closed.

I went to the office first, because I assumed he'd be in there. I opened the door and looked in, but he wasn't there.

I was getting serious déjà vu from the whole thing, so I went straight to the bathroom, pushing open the door.

I found my boyfriend sitting by the toilet, shaking. I made my way over, sitting next to him, and he curled up against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and noticed how clammy he was.

"You ok babe?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He shook his head and I hugged him tighter, noticing how he was really burning up.

I rubbed circles against his back gently, thinking of ways I could make him feel better.

"I'm cold." Alexander told me, pressing himself even closer to me.

Ok, I now had somewhere to start. I stood up and shifted Alexander in my arms so I could carry him back to the bed. He didn't protest, just clung to me so he wouldn't fall.

I set him on the bed and grabbed all the blankets I could find.

"Thanks." I heard him mutter.

"'Welcome." I replied, already heading to the kitchen to get some tea and the cat, both of which seemed to help Alexander relax.

Ducky did not much appreciate me picking him up, but once I dropped him beside Alexander, he meowed and curled up on my boyfriend, who stoked his stripy fur.

I walked back out of the bedroom and put some water in the kettle, waiting for it to heat up.

I felt a little like Bolt, staring at the kettle and using my nonexistent heat vision in hopes that it boil sooner.

Fun fact: My heat vision is about as existant as Bolt's.

When the kettle finally started squealing, I grabbed it and poured the water into a mug, grabbing a teabag and placing it in the mug too, then heading back to Alexander.

I set the drink down near him and he sat up, thanking me before drinking it.

I sat down next to him and Alexander crawled into my lap, pulling my arms around him and yawning. I smiled and rested my head on his.

"I want to watch Netflix." He stated.

"Ok, I'll go get my laptop."

"No don't move, I'm finally comfortable." He gripped my arms.

"I can't get my computer then..."

"My phone's over there." He pointed to the side, where I saw his phone resting on the bedside table. "I'll get Netflix on it."

I grabbed the phone and handed it him. He fiddled with it for a bit before propping it in front of us and turning on some show or another.

It was a little hard to focus on the small screen with my boyfriend coughing and fidgeting every minute. He was really hot and sweaty, and I would've liked to check a thermometer, but I didn't want to move and disturb him.

Alexander seemed to notice that he was twitching, because he stilled himself.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"For what?"

"Being a burden."

"You're not a burden." I hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

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