She shook her head. "Man, Sza told me to stop calling you dumb but shit."

"Shut up that's why you can't use all your powers."

"Oh fuck you."

I pouted. "You started it."

She smiled slightly and looked down at her hand. "Whatever," she raised her hand. "Being able to use my bones to create weapon is very similar to being able to fully shape-shift because the main part of shapeshifting is bending and stretching your bones."

I nodded. "Okay right, well can you demonstrate how you would grow your bones if you were in Olympus?"

She nodded. "I was going to do that anyway."

"You have such a smart mouth."

She shrugged. "You can correct it later."

I raised a brow.


She held her hand up and towards me. "Look at my palm, now nothing will come out because my bones are basically locked but, you'll see the skin on my palm shift. Just imagine your skin doing what mines does okay?"

I nodded and looked at her palm. I grimaced as the skin on her hand began to move before a small bump formed on her palm. I squinted and leaned forward as I saw a bit of white start to peak through the bump.

I hummed tilting my head. "Ummm, not sure but I think that's a bone- AHHH!"

I quickly shot back, falling down as the bump on her palm opened and something came flying towards my head. I heard Jorja gasp and I slowly looked up to see a long-ass bone shaped like a sword hanging out of her palm.

I gulped and looked at Jorja's face that had a look of shock on it. "You tried to kill me."

She blinked rapidly before meeting my eyes. "I...I shouldn't be able to do this."

I moved from under the sword and slowly stood up. I dusted off my pants and shrugged. "Are you sure you really lost your powers when you came to earth?"

She nodded rapidly. "Yes! I-I mean I tried for decades to make them work but..." She frowned and slowly looked at me causing me to raise a brow.

"Um, yes?"

She shook her head and looked at her hand, clenching her fingers around the bone making it slowly retract back into her body.

I grimaced since that looked painful. I looked back at Jorja who took a step towards me and slowly raised her hand.

I flinched not wanting a bone going through my skull.

She shook her head. "I'm not going to hurt you," she raised her hand towards my head. "You trust me?"

I nodded without hesitation. "Of course."

She nodded and gulped as she placed her fingers onto my forehead.

She gasped slightly and quickly snatched her hand away.


She frowned and then her eyes did that glazed over thing letting me know she was talking to Sza.

I pouted. "Don't leave me out."


I jumped as Sza quickly ran up next to me honestly scaring me.

"What's wrong? Y/n are you hurt?" She looked at me worried.

I looked down at my body before shrugging meeting her eyes. "I don't know."

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