Kayla was the second in command of the Apollo cabin, the best archer in the whole camp. After Lee Fletcher the previous cabin head died in the titan war, Will Solace took over he was an excellent medic and could even produce a sonic whistle but while he was gifted in music and medicine he wasn't in archery. So, Kayla his second in command took care of that, the rumor was that she was as good as Artemis' best tracker Phoebe.

He pointed at a target a good 200 miles from where we were, my eyes couldn't even see the target properly. in the dark, all I saw was a white thing the size of a tiny plate. I was pretty sure best archer or not, Kayla couldn't shoot that far much less hit the target in the morning let alone the dark but she pulled her bow, narrowed her eyes, aimed, took a deep breath, and released the arrow. To my surprise, it actually reached I couldn't see where it hit but I could tell it went at least near the target. an Iris message popped up and old satyr and behind him the target the arrow pierced the ground a few inches away from the target. Chiron looked at Kayla "good, a little more power and it would hit the target child," he said.

He then called Thalia and told her to give it her best shot. I couldn't see why she was bothering to even try. Thalia was by far the best demigod archer I knew, but as far as I could tell no one except for maybe Artemis and her brother Apollo could actually hit that target, forget the bullseye.

Thalia was partially immortal; she was the lieutenant of Artemis. She came to camp along with Grover, Annabeth, and Luke when she was twelve. They were being chased by monsters so she gave up her life to save the others, Zeus saw his dying daughter took pity on her and turned her into a tree. Had she aged normally she would be 22 but in her tree state she aged twice as slowly and then when I was 13, we used the golden fleece on Thalias tree, which was poisoned. It not only saved the tree but also healed Thalia leaving her as a human who was about to turn 16. She joined the hunters a day before she turned 16, so that she wouldn't be the one to bear the great prophecy leaving me the oldest living child of the big three.

Yeah, I know not good for my health, but everything worked out so its cool. I watched as she followed the same steps as Kayla. She released the arrow. Seconds later, we could see it in the iris message, it hit the target, only the edge still it was better than what I had expected. Chiron nodded and looked at Helen "Now you try my child," he said

Annabeth immediately started to protest "but Chiron she only found out she was a demigod today Kayla has had a decade of practice and Thalia hunts for a living not to mention she's immo-" Chiron cut her off with a look that said Ive trained heroes for a millennium I know what is best for my students.

Helen didn't even bother saying anything she took the bow from Thalia narrowed her eyes at the target and released the arrow. Seconds later everyones jaw fell open, the arrow hit the target exactly at the center, in the pinpoint of the bullseye.

Thalias face looked like the time when shed seen her dead mother as a ghost. Chiron was muttering something along the lines of expected good but not that good and then he spoke. Helen do you have any idea how you did that? her face was ashen. I have no idea how I did that it just felt natural, I have never touched a bow and arrow before today she promised. Chiron looked at Thalia who was still looking at Helen in awe,how the hell did you do that not even Zoe Nightshade was that good and she was the lieutenant of Artemis for over a thousand years She demanded.

for the first time since I had met Helen, she looked scared, even when the wolves were following her, she kept her calm. Thalia could be very scary when she wanted to, now looking at her expression even Annabeth looked scared. By then Leo, Piper, Sadie, Carter, Zia, and Walt had caught up. Hola amigos, Hazel is currently Riding Arion to camp and frank is filling the rest at the party on what happen- and then Leo stepped back looking at Thalias expression.

Thalia calm down before you electrify us Helen, what did you do? Piper asked. I answered Oh, nothing much she just shot an arrow in the exact bullseye of a target 200 miles away in the dark. Yeah not to mention the best archer in camp and the lieutenant of Artemis could not do that. Carter and Walt looked at me like they were asking which flowers I wanted at my funeral. I waited to see which of the girls would kill me first, Helen, Thalia or Annabeth.(and no carter none of them killed me)

I could imagine my gravestone:

Percy Jackson

Died at the age of 18

Killed by his girlfriend, Cousin and a girl he saved from wolves

Thankfully Sadie interrupted "Guys I dont know about you but personally, I like s mores and the sing-along is pretty appealing too. All their glares and scowls lessened". I and my sorry butt were saved by marshmallows on a stick and a song about a grandma wearing battle armor, though for how long I dont know.

Demigods and Magicians : The Daughter Of ArtemisWhere stories live. Discover now