Chapter 18: new home

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They left the diner and searched for a place to stay.

"You've been awfully quiet lately", Draco spoke.

"I'm just scared", Emma said, "I can't stop thinking about what might happen if we get found"

"I won't let anything happen to you", Draco grabbed her hand. "I promise"

"You should stop making promises that you can't keep", Emma looked up at a building. "Look! A hotel"

They walked into the fancy lobby where a receptionist was working at the front desk.

"We would like a room, please", Draco said to the receptionist.

The lady looked at them in their day-old clothes and their small bag of stuff. "It's $100 a night".

Draco pulled out of the bag a $100 bill and put it on the desk. The Malfoys were not only rich in wizard money, but muggle money as well.

"As I said, we would like a room", Draco repeated, a bit offended by her judgement. The lady checked the money and then gave them a room key. Draco and Emma went up the elevator to the 2nd floor.

"So these don't go backwards?" Draco jokingly asked in the elevator.

Emma rolled her eyes but she couldn't help but giggle.

Draco opened the door to the room. To the left was a small kitchen that connected to the living space. To the right was the bathroom. Around the corner from the bathroom was a door leading to the bedroom.

"Wow. I can definitely get comfortable here", Emma admired the place. She had never been in this big of a hotel room before.

"Bit small but it will do", Draco looked around. He went into the bedroom and began to empty the bag out onto the bed.

"I forgot to ask you to bring clothes", Draco said while putting his clothes into a drawer.

"Oh shoot, you're right", Emma had only now realized that she ran away with absolutely nothing.

"It's fine. I'll buy you whatever you want"

"I don't like that you're buying everything", Emma looked down.

Draco put his finger under her chin and lifted it up. "It's not really all my money. I may or may not have been sneaking money from my father for the past week or so"

Emma smirked "well then in that case I don't feel too bad". Draco smiled and pulled her in for a kiss.


Emma unpacked her newly bought clothes. They went to a nearby store and bought about a weeks worth of clean clothes. These included various jeans, leggings, sweatshirts, crop tops, and flannels. Draco also bought some clothes for himself after Emma insisted he needed less wizard-y looking clothes. Draco got some black jeans, some plain button up shirts, and a leather jacket.

"Wow, very colorful", Emma joked at Draco's full black wardrobe.

"Hey! This shirt is green", Draco held up a dark green shirt.

"We are on our own and you're still sticking to the Slytherin theme", Emma giggled. Draco threw the shirt at her.

The sun started to set. Emma looked out the window to watch.

"This is really happening. I'm living on the run with Draco"

She turned around to see that Draco had already settled into the bed.

"I'm literally going to sleep in the same bed as him tonight"

She climbed into the bed next to him. The covers felt so comfortable after having spent the last few weeks sleeping in a cold dorm room.

"Aren't you glad you came with me?" Draco moved Emma's hair out of her face.

"Honestly, I really am", she moved herself closer to him. Emma dug her face into his shoulder and closed her eyes. Draco watched as she drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Emma", he whispered before closing his eyes, and for the first time in a while, he went to bed peacefully.

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