Chapter 10: hes not a bad guy

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Year 6

Emma boarded the train on platform 9 3/4. She walked down the corridor looking for Draco. They had only communicated through letters over the summer but they were few and far between. Neither of them had a very eventful summer... or so Emma thought.

"Hey, wanna sits with us?" Emma turned to see Hermione sitting in a room with Ron and Harry. Emma was planning on sitting with Draco but she figured she could last a little longer without seeing him.

"Uh, sure", Emma sat down next to Harry, across from Hermione.

"So", Hermione leaned forward. "You're pretty close with Draco, right?"

"I guess", Emma adjusted herself in her seat.

"Has he shared any secrets with you?" Harry chimed in. Hermione hit his leg.

"Uh, like what?" Emma was trying to read the room.

"Nothing", Hermione was still looking at Harry with narrow eyes. She turned back to Emma. "So what has he been up to this summer?"

"Not much as far as I know", Emma shrugged. "I only received a couple letters from him. Just stuff like complaining about guests constantly at his house. And his parents-"

"Wait. What guests?" Harry interrupted.

"He didn't say. Why are you so intrigued by what Draco was doing this summer?" Emma felt a bit protective.

"We're just trying to...understand him", said Hermione. Harry stood up and left the compartment with something in his hand, Emma couldn't see.

"You know, he's not a bad guy", Emma defended. "He just- he wants to keep his and his families image"

"Of being a bunch of pricks", Ron muttered.

"I'm serious", Emma straightened up. "He's not actually that mean. He was just raised in the wrong situation. But I know he's different from his family".

Hermione placed her hand gently on Emma's leg. "I would still be cautious if I were you"

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