Chapter 4: all eyes on me

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Dolores Umbridge had taken over the school this year. Emma didn't mind it much seeing as she followed the rules and only really hangs out with other Hufflepuffs. But Draco seemed to be a favorite of hers. They were on a little mission of stopping Harry and his army or something. Emma didn't really pay attention to what was going on. And it seemed that Draco had less and less time to spend bullying her because he was busy helping Umbirdge, and Emma couldn't be more grateful.

But the bullying she got from Draco was replaced by other Slytherins. Even other houses. But this bullying was different. She wasn't being hassled for being Hufflepuff, she was being hassled for not being Hufflepuff enough, it seemed.

"I saw you out in the courtyard yesterday dueling Draco", one Slytherin had hissed at her, "some Hufflepuff you are. Aren't you supposed to be kind and caring or something?"

"Are you hanging out with Draco?" Another student had asked. They were actually a Hufflepuff, "what kind of Hufflepuff would willingly befriend Draco? After all he and his Slytherin pals have done to us?"

"I heard a rumor that you are secretly dating Draco. Is that true?"

Emma went to lunch that day and felt like everyone was staring at her. All houses seemed to have a unified disappointment towards her because she was either to harsh or too friendly towards Draco. Both situations somehow made her less Hufflepuff.

Emma couldn't bear to be here anymore. She didn't even grab any food before she stormed out of the Great Hall. She sat in the hallway and silently cried to herself, feeling like she didn't belong anywhere. Emma hoped no student would find her, but even worse, hoped Umbridge wouldn't find her.

Emma put her knees up to her chest and dug her face into them. She was starving but there was no way she was going back into the Great Hall. The only person who would really care if she was gone was Cassie.

Suddenly, she felt a presence in front of her. Emma slowly lifted up her head, expecting Umbridge to be there ready to scold her. Or Cassie, ready to give her a hug.

But no.

She looked up and saw Draco Malfoy standing over her.

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