Chapter 11: lonely

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The train arrived at Hogwarts. Harry had never returned from wherever he went off to. Everyone exited the train and went down the trail to the castle. Emma still had not seen Draco anywhere but she wasn't going to wait around for him.

"He probably got in an earlier carriage"

Emma arrived at Hogwarts and settled into her seat at the Hufflepuff table. She looked around the bustling room for Draco but he was still nowhere to be seen.

"Hey!" Cassie sat down next to her. "Where were you on the train? Don't tell me you left me for Draco"

"No of course not", Emma smiled, "well I was planning to but-" Cassie playfully hit Emma's arm.

"But seriously. Where were you?" Cassie asked again.

"Hermione actually asked me to sit with her, Ron, and Harry"


"They wanted to ask me a bunch of questions about Draco for some reason", Emma shrugged and then went back to looking for him.

"Well where is he?" Cassie helped in looking around.

"Not sure", Emma turned her attention to the teachers at the front, giving up on her search.

All the new first years were placed in their houses. Afterwords, while everybody was exiting the Great Hall, Emma spotted Draco.

"Hey, where have you been?" Emma asked concerned.

"I just- uh- had to sort some things out", Draco avoided eye contact.

"What things?"

"Just some personal matters"

"You can talk to me, you know?" Emma reached for his hand. "You can trust me"

"I promise", Draco took her hand, "it's nothing to worry about".

Emma tried to not worry about Draco, but she couldn't help it. Weeks had passed and Draco always seemed off, but he always told Emma he was fine.

"I knew you shouldn't have trusted him", Cassie told Emma. They're were both laying on their beds in their dorm.

"I'm scared", Emma responded.

"Me too. I don't want you to get hurt", Cassie sat up. "I bet he's cheating"

"No I don't think so", Emma then sat up. "Have you seen him? He looks... sick. And depressed or something. There's clearly something bothering him that he doesn't want to tell me"

"Red flag!", Cassie waved an imaginary flag. "He should trust you and he doesn't.. Red flag!"

"He's not obligated to tell me anything" Emma argued.

"But he is obligated to at least talk to you. If not about this then about something. Anything. He's pushing you away"

"We aren't even officially dating so..." Emma thought for a second. "What if he is trying to distance himself from me? Did I come on too strong?"

"Whatever this is I'm sure it's not your fault" Cassie got up from her bed and moved over to Emma's. "But you should talk to him"

"Fine. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and settle this"

"Great!" Cassie stood up. "And when he breaks your heart, you know where to find me"

The Slytherin and the HufflepuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora