Chapter 17: on the run

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Draco packed a small bag full of stuff while Emma looked under the door incase someone came. Emma wasn't sure if running away with Draco was the best idea but anything seemed better than living alone in the dungeons of Hogwarts. And Draco is rich so finding a nice place to live shouldn't be hard.

Emma then heard footsteps approaching. She looked and saw what looked like the same shoes that had entered earlier: Lucius Malfoy.

"Your father is coming", Emma hissed at Draco.

"Take this", he handed Emma the bag, "and fly down". The bag was one like Hermione had. It was a small bag but had an infinite about of space on the inside.

Emma took the bag and his broom. She quickly mounted the broom and flew down the side of the house.

Draco watched his door open and his father walk in.

"Everything good?" Lucius asked.

"Yes father", Draco said, "I was actually about to start getting ready for bed.

"I guess it is getting late", Lucius looked at the open window, "this should be shut. You don't know who could come in". He began to walk over to the window.

"my room was actually a bit warm", Draco stepped in front of his father. "I was just a letting some cool air in". Draco turned and shut the window before Lucius could look outside.

"Well then", Lucius turned to walk away. "Goodnight Draco"

"Goodnight father. And tell mother I say goodnight as well"

Lucius nodded and left the room. Draco took one last look around his room before opening the window back up. He summoned the broom back to himself so he could fly down.

"Now what?" Emma asked once he was down.

"Now we go"


"Anywhere but here". Draco got on his broom. "get on"

Emma mounted the broom behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso with the bag in her hands.

"Now hold on tight", Draco said before taking off.

The broom flew over the gate and away from the mansion. Emma looked around at the open land beneath them. A lot was happening at once right now, but this moment was just so relaxing. All that lit their path were the stars and the moon. She tightened her grip around Draco and laid her head on his back.

Emma started to slowly drift off. She nearly fell off of the broom before she was jerked awake.

"Are you tired?" Draco asked. "Let's try this". Draco landed the broom in a field. "You sit in front. That way you can sleep and I can make sure you don't fall"

"You don't have to- *yawn*- do that"

Draco smiled. "I know". He walked around behind Emma and got back on the broom. Emma was basically already asleep before Draco even took off again. Emma laid back into Draco's chest as he wrapped one arm around her, keeping the other on the broom.

They had been flying for hours now. The sun started to rise in front of them. Emma cracked her eyes open and smiled at the sunrise.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She mumbled.

"Yeah", Draco looked Emma smiling.

They came over a city that was waking up. Draco landed the broom on the outskirts of the city in a field.

"Alright", Draco sighed, debating if he should wake Emma up or carry her, the bag, and the broom into the city. "Fine".

Draco picked Emma up bridal style, put the bag in her lap, and left the broom in a tree to retrieve later. Emma woke up and looked at the city around her.

"When did we get here?"

"A few minutes ago", Draco said, looking down at her. "You need to eat something. What do muggles eat?"

"Eggs? And hash browns", Emma spotted a cute diner on the corner of the street they were on.

"I guess the food isn't much different", Draco said, carrying Emma over to the diner.

"I'm awake. You don't have to carry me anymore" Emma said, realizing she was still in his arms. Draco ignored her.

They reached the diner and Draco finally let Emma down. They walked in and were seated in a booth.

"So any plans yet for where we are going to live?" Emma asked while looking over the menu.

"I sure we can find something around here", Draco said.

"Where is here?" Emma asked.

"Not sure". Draco studied the menu.

They ordered their food and ate. Emma didn't want Draco to worry so she ordered a normal amount of food, even though she felt like she could eat the whole menu. The little food she got these past few weeks was from the left over food in the kitchens at Hogwarts.

"What do you think your parents are going to do when they wake up and see that you aren't in your room?" Emma asked while stuffing her face with eggs.

"I'm not sure. Possibly send out a search party" Draco poked at his pancake, "how are you supposed to eat this?"

"You've never had a pancake before?" Emma raised her eyebrows, "you cut it up and then put syrup on it", Emma put the bottle of syrup in front of Draco. "But anyways, what happens if they send out a search party? What are we going to do up against your parents, and probably some other death eaters"

"Lets just hope it doesn't come to that", Draco said while cutting his pancake.
"Hopefully they'll just presume I'm dead and move on", he mumbled as he ate a piece.

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