Chapter 13: the mudblood

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Emma went back to her room. Everyone was gone because they were all outside mourning Dumbledore. Emma wanted to pay respects but she was just too mad right now.

"Draco Malfoy is a death eater" she said out loud to herself. She still didn't want to believe it.

Cassie came back into the room and asked her if she talked to Draco.

"Yeah", Emma said emotionless.

"How'd it go? Is he cheating?" Cassie sat down on Emma's bed, waiting to hear the gossip.

"Way worse", Emma tried to figure out how she was going to tell Cassie she was right all along not to trust him.

Emma told her all about what she found out and what she had seen. Cassie went to bed, not knowing what to do with this information. Emma knew exactly what she was going to do with it though.

The next day, she looked for Harry. She found him and Hermione walking towards to tower where only last night he and Emma had both witnessed Dumbledore die. She followed him up there and listened in on their conversation. They were planning on collecting things called Horcruxes.

"I want to help", Emma interrupted. Harry and a Hermione quickly turned around.

"Help?" Hermione looked at Emma.

"Yes", Emma said, "Draco betrayed me and I want to do whatever I can to get back at him and the rest of those death esters"

Harry and Hermione whispered for a bit before Harry spoke up. "Fine. You can come. But it will be dangerous"

"I ready", Emma said sternly.

Year 7

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Emma had been away from their families for months. The hardest part so far for Emma, besides watching the three of them constantly fight, was having to erase her parents memories of her. She thought about them everyday of their mission.

They had already destroyed a couple Horcruxes at this point. They were all walking through the woods when suddenly they heard something. Emma didn't know what was going on but they were suddenly being approached a few men.

"Run!" Everyone started to dart through the woods. Ron fell and Emma instinctively went back to help him up. This was a mistake.

Both of them were captured by the bad guys. Emma didn't know what was happening with Harry and Hermione, but she knew that her fate was not going to be good.

Harry and Hermione were eventually caught, but Harry looked... different. The bad guys couldn't even tell if it was him or not.

They brought the group of kids to a location unknown to Emma. One of the ladies who was at the tower that day, Bellatrix?, was there at the gate. They brought Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Emma inside the giant mansion.

They entered a room where Emma saw the one person she hoping to never see again: Draco. Draco looked at Emma with disappointment. Emma couldn't tell if he was disappointed at her for joining Harry's team or disappointed in himself for being on the wrong team.

Harry and Ron were eventually brought down to the dungeons while Hermione and Emma were told to stay up there because Bellatrix could "smell mudbloods".

"Ooh this is going to be fun!" Bellatrix danced around them. "Which one... which one... YOU!" She pointed to Hermione.
"Draco!" Bellatrix yelled. "Hold onto this one for a second", she pushed Emma right into Draco's arms. Draco held his wand up to Emma's neck and wrapped his other arm around the front of her.

"I'm sorry", he whispered into her ear. Emma didn't respond. She watched in horror as Hermione was tortured by that witch. She hoped that Harry and Ron would show up soon to help.

Terrible screams came from Hermione as Bellatrix had carved the word "mudblood" into her arm. Emma panicked, knowing that she would be next. And she was right.

Bellatrix made her way over to Emma. "Thank you, Draco", she smiled. It reminded Emma of Umbridge but somehow scarier.

"AAAHHH", Emma screamed as her arm was shot with pain.

"Ahahahaha" Bellatrix laughed as she repeated what she did to Hermione on Emma. Draco stood near them but looked away.

Emma laid on the floor with her bloody arm next to Hermione. They both looked at each other for reassurance, but found none.

Then Harry bursted through the door with Ron behind him. Bellatrix had grabbed Hermione and ordered Draco to grab Emma again.

"Again, I'm sorry", he whispered.

"Then why are you here?" She asked him.

"If I had a choice, I would leave", he said.

"I will never forgive you for this" Emma said before slamming her foot onto Draco's. Draco jumped back in pain. She ran back over to the rest of the group just before they all apparated away.

Draco watched as Emma vanished in front of him. The sound of a Emma's screams still rang in his ears.

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