Chapter 9: "can this be something?"

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Draco waited for an answer. Emma knew there was no way to explain why her wand was in here without telling him about Crabbe and Goyle. And he could tell when she was lying.

"Well", Emma thought. "You know I've been getting bullied. I was cornered in here by some Slytherins who just wanted to scare me"

"Did they hurt you? Who were they?"

"No they didn't. And I- I don't know"

"You're lying", Draco knelt down next to her.

"I don't need to tell you", Emma stood up, clutching her hand. "And I'm fine now". She took the wand from his hand and left the closet. Draco ran out after her but she was gone before he could see which way she went.

Draco sat in class the next day thinking about the day before. Umbridge was dictating the class who were all silently writing. Time passed by slowly, each second was another moment of torture.

Everyone looked up when they heard a noise come from outside. Umbridge went out to investigate. The class waited for her return, but she didn't. What came through the door, instead, was a bright burst of colors. Two boys on brooms, George and Fred Weasley, flew into the class throwing bombs of color everywhere.

Draco stood up with the rest of the class, who all begin cheering at them. Draco turned to see one of the fireworks heading straight towards him. He ducked away before his face was burnt off.

The twins eventually flew away and it seemed that the entire school had evacuated in celebration. Even some teachers were cheerful.

Draco walked out into the courtyard and searched for Emma. He eventually spotted her in the crowd of celebratory students.

"Emma!" He put his hand on her shoulder. Emma turned around and her smiled quickly faded.

"Yes Draco?"

"Look. I'm sorry for pestering you about your wand. You don't owe me and explanation for anything", Draco didn't take his hand off of her shoulder. "I just don't want that little thing to get between this"

"This?" Emma raised an eyebrow, "what is this"

"Can this be something?" Draco put his other hand on her other shoulder.

"You hated new a week ago", Emma looked at the newly placed hand on her. "And what would be the point? It's not like you would want to be seen with me anyways".

"Well, but that's not true", he took a step closer to her. "If it was, would I do this? In front of the entire school?" He pulled her in for a kiss but Emma placed her hand in front of his mouth.

"No one is even paying attention so that doesn't really prove anything", she giggled before removing her hand. She placed her hands on his arms before accepting his kiss.

Emma wasn't sure if people were paying attention to them or not but she didn't care either way.

Umbridge was eventually officially fired and the school was lifted from the evil pink blanket that had been put over it.

Draco had given Emma one last kiss goodbye before they parted ways at the train station. Emma found her parents waiting for her and ran into their arms.

"So how were your classes? How's Cassie? Were the bullies bad this year?" Her mom bombarded her.

"Classes were good. Cassie's doing fine. And the bullies... they were... they were ok"

End of year 5

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