Chapter 12: the death eater

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Emma didn't get a chance to talk to Draco all day. It was like he was actively avoiding her. After the school day was over, Emma found him walking in the hall. Without thinking, she ran over to him, grabbed his arm, and dragged him into a broom closet.

"What the hell-" Draco saw at who it was.

They stood there looking at each other for a minute before Emma broke the silence.

"Be honest. If you don't want to be with me anymore then just say so", she crossed her arms.

"Of course I want to be with you", Draco walked over to her. His face was so pale and sickly that she was almost scared.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" Emma felt her eyes starting to tear up. "Clearly something is wrong. If you don't want to tell me that's fine but-"

"I want to tell you though", Draco interrupted. "But I can't"


To Emma's surprise, Draco sat down against the wall and started to cry. She slid down next to him.

"I don't want you to see me differently", Draco finally said.

"I won't. Whatever it is I won't judge you for it"

Draco looked up into her eyes. "There are just a lot of people who expect a lot from me and- and I don't know if I can make them proud"

"I know that whatever it is, you can do it", she placed her hand on his. "And I'll be here for you"

Draco moved his body so that he was now laying down with his head in Emma's lap. Emma gently ran her fingers through his soft hair.

They both stayed there for a couple of hours. Draco had fallen asleep after a while and Emma didn't want to wake him. She eventually fell asleep herself with her head against the wall.

Draco slowly opened his eyes. He looked around, trying to remember what happened and where he was.

"Shoot", he said to himself as he stood up. He turned to make sure Emma was still sleeping before sneaking out of the closet. The sound of the door closing woke her up.

"Huh? Draco?" She looked around. After noticing that he was gone, she quickly stood up and opened the door. She saw Draco walking down the hall very quickly, like he was late for something.

She thought about calling out to him, but instead decided to follow him. There must have been a reason he left without telling her.

She followed him up many flights of stairs until they reached the Astrology Tower.

"What's he doing here?"

She slowly followed behind him and watched him walk up the stairs. She looked up and could see Dumbledore up there, like he was waiting for him. Suddenly, Emma felt someone's hand go around her mouth and she was pulled up close to someone.

"Shh", he hissed. Emma turned her head and could see that it was Harry Potter. Emma squirmed to get away but Harry held on.

"Listen", he whispered into her ear. He then pointed up at Draco and Dumbledore through the cracks in the floor. She looked up and saw that Draco was pointing his wand at Dumbledore. Emma stopped struggling and watched the interaction. Harry slowly removed his hand and Emma didn't make a noise.

Emma watched as Draco rolled up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark.

"He's a death eater?"

Emma had been so caught up in what she just saw, she wasn't even paying attention to the interaction anymore.

"Don't you understand?" Draco had been saying through gritted teeth. "I have to do this. I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill me"

Emma almost gasped but Harry's hand was back over her mouth. Tears started to roll down Emma's face.

Then Harry pulled Emma down to hide as more people walked into the Tower. The interaction continued. Draco's wand was still aimed at Dumbledore.

Harry took out his wand and aimed it at Draco. Emma and Harry both turned to see that Snape was now there... and aiming a wand at them.

Snape gestured for them to be quiet before heading up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Emma mouthed at Harry. But before he could answer, Snape spoke.

"Avada Kedavra" came from upstairs. Emma looked up to see that Snape had casted the killing curse at Dumbledore. Harry and Emma stood there in shock as they watched the old man fall out of the window.

Everyone quickly rushed down the stairs, including Draco. Harry then ran after them.

So did Emma.

They ran all the way to Hagrids house. Harry went to fight Snape, but Emma followed after Draco. Draco had started running back towards the castle. Emma followed.

"Draco!" She shouted once they were both far enough away from everyone else.

Draco immediately stopped. He slowly turned to meet eyes with Emma.

"Draco. How could you?" Emma almost screamed.

"How much do you know?" He asked.

"You almost killed Dumbledore. You have the dark mark. You follow the dark lord?" Emma held back tears.

"It's... complicated", Draco simply said.

"No. I think I understand everything perfectly now", Emma walked past Draco and up the stairs to the school.

"Please, Emma", Draco grabbed her arm and turned her around. "It's not like that. I never wanted to kill him". Draco paused. "This doesn't have to change anything-"

"I'm a mudblood!" Emma blurted out. Draco went silent. "Does that change anything?" Emma turned and walked up the stairs.

"Emma", Draco ran up the stairs.

"Everte Statum!" Emma casted at him. Draco went tumbling down the stairs.

By the time Draco had recollected himself, Emma was already gone.

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