Backstories and Intros//-1-

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to be perfectly honest I hate writing a reading prologues so this is just going to be a small back story and a warning about what this story will contain. the time is currently 1:17 so if there is plot holes and mistakes I am sorry.

Third Person:

Kenma Kozume and Hinata Shoyo had been friends for a long time. 

They actually met through self defense classes.


Kenma was amazing at reading people and forming strategies that would lead to the downfall of anyone who ever opposed him. (That made me feel so badass writing that I don't know why) he didn't need any height or muscle to find the weakness in his opponents.

Hinata very different, he had too much stamina and ran head on using his speed to avoid all attacks and struck when they were open. He didn't need strategies when he acted purely on instinct.

The instructor was awestruck at these boys that were skin and bones and yet they could fight people almost three times their weight and size and end up on top. He was curious. As everyone was cleaning up and unwrapping their hands Keinshin Ukai looked through the enrollment book to realize they were self enrolled with a very fake signature of guardians. Kenma was 10 and Hinata was 9. They were so young Ukai thought.

"Hinata, Kenma. Office now." Ukai said in his best teacher voice. At the sound of the boys names both of their heads snapped up immediately. Once they both sat down Hinata spoke up.

"What do you need sir." Hinata said relieved that he didn't stutter.

"It's coach to you now I will teach you now but I would like to know your stories." Coach stared at the male who had said nothing. "Both of you."

Kenma POV:

I gulped at the statement. I have never told anyone my story.

But this time it felt different, I don't know what but I wanted to tell them. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes I'll do it I opened my eyes only to find two pairs staring. Wow.

His eyes were stunning and for a second a food wars moment happened and I was bathing in a fudge chocolate bath with no clothes on.

I started my story.

"Okay so first off I am sure you have heard of the drunk truck driver right?" I notice that the boy whose name was Hinata stilled, I don't even think he was breathing. Anyways. "If you don't they were drinking while driving there semi and he lost control hitting three cars, one of those cars was my parents car." I look over toward the two people. Hinata was looking at the ground. He was crying. Coach had a sympathy and pitied look that I didn't like but at least he cared.

No one has cared for me since that day. "They we found under the flipped truck my mom suffocated, my dad died because of a blunt force trauma to the head resulting in instant death." I repeated the exact words that doctor told me. Those exact words.

"They died before anyone could get to them." I felt something drip down my face and then I realized I started crying, I wiped my tears away with that I looked towards Hinata he had a look in his eyes. 

Holy shit.

I recognized him.

He was there that day.

Hinata POV:

As soon as I heard the black haired teen speaking about the drunk truck driver I started crying. His voice sounded so broken, so cracked and aching. I was in tears as I looked to his face there were tears in his eyes. He didn't seem to care he kept on speaking and I started sobbing.

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