"Just mind your own business little girl!" He snapped back.

I knew he just wantes me out of the way because he knew it would get worse but his grab on me was starting to hurt.

His hands were so tight i winced. I knew he didn't mean it because he wasn't looking at me he was glaring at my uncle but still gosh that's gonna bruise.

The look on my uncle's face was terrifying. I can only imagine his eyes were red by now. Knowing him he doesn't take it greatly when someone harms me or D.

"Get your filthy hands of of her!!! My uncle screamed.

Then it turned into a fist fight. Gosh this place was turned into boxing arena. I then saw dad outside and I ran outside to meet a very confused dad. I quickly grab his arm.

"Dad I need you now uncle Luci is having a fight with a red head guy."

My dad eyes widened and he ran to the fight and stunned them. Both flying opposite of each other.

I was really amused by the scene. I know my dad is powerful but still I loved seeing him do his trick.

"What the BLOODY HELL is going on here!?" He glared both at uncle Luci and the red head guy.

Then a woman who I am sure the wife of the red head guy approached the scene with a shocked expression written on her face while he pinch the ear of his husband. I smiled at this scene

"Oh I'm sorry Professor Snape I wasn't here when the fight started I do apologize for what happened."

"It is okay Mrs Weasley it is not me who is burdened with this mess and you are not the one at fault. The one who should apologize are these two blokes here who made a great role model to kids watching."

That last statement was clearly dripping with sarcasm. I saw Harry and it was his turn to give an apologetic smile at me. I just nodded and smiled.

After the issue with everything uncle Luci paid for the damage. This was the times I was glad he was bloody rich. Don't get me wrong my dad is also quite rich but not as rich as my uncle.

We went out and my dad dragged uncle Luci out to talk to him. Probably to scold him. I just think that statement itself is amusing.

(Severus's Pov)

After I bought all of Samie's potion equipment I headed to Flourish and Blotts Bookseller.

I saw a crowd inside. I was confused I didn't think it would be too crowded so I decided to wait for them outside.

After a while I saw Samie a bit distressed. I look at her with worry across my face.

I was going to ask her why she seemed stressed but then she quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. I was startled by her actions.

"Dad I need you now uncle Luci is having a fight with a red head guy."

When her words left her mouth I ran to the scene knowing Lucius this will go haywire.

I saw the scen and my eyes widened when I saw the destruction. Lucius and Weasley were fist fighting. I rolled my eyes as I stunned both of them.

"What the BLOODY HELL is going on here!?"

"Oh I'm sorry Professor Snape I wasn't here when the fight started I do apologize for what happened." Said Mrs Weasley.

"It is okay Mrs Weasley it is not me who is burdened with this mess and you are not the one at fault. The one who should apologize are these two blokes here who made a great role model to kids watching."

-------------- A few moments later --------------

"What the hell were you thinking getting into a fight inside a bloody damn store?!" I snapped at Lucius who looked guilty but still annoyed in his eyes.

"My apologies Severus but we were just having a not so very pleasant chat until Samie tried to stop us bickering."

"Gosh she is even more mature than the both of you" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I know I was actually proud of her, I was going to stop believe it or not but then that filthy blood traitor insulted my princess an-" I cut him off.

"He. Did. What?" I asked slowly

"That is not all he grabbed her and I heard her winced. You know I do not allow su-
I cut him again.

"I shouldn't have stop the fight I should of just hexed that dunderhead!"

I pushed Lucius out of the way so I can have a little chat with a certain red headed bloke.

But he grabbed my arm. I looked at him. I was furious.

"Severus think about what you are doing. Samie tried to stopped the fight she wouldn't want another one especially including his father."

"That bloody Weasley hurt her Lucius. I can't just do nothing." I said through gritted teeth.

"Severus you have to keep your temper. I saw the way Samie looked at you, she was proud you were there to stop the fight, proud that your her father. She looks up to you Severus. You know she tries to follow everything you do. The girl is your biggest fan don't do anything for her to doubt you."

I sighed. He was right. My little snake does look up at me. I smiled at the thought of her being my biggest fan. I don't know what I did to deserve her as a daughter. I need to keep my temper in check. I nodded at Lucius.

I walked back to where the kids were.

(Samie's Pov)

While my dad and my uncle were talking me and D were just talking about Hogwarts. I looked at my wrist and saw the bruise. Ugh it certainly looked ugly.

Then my dad and and uncle walked toward us. They probably sort things out.

My dad just hugged me tightly. I was surprised.

"Um dad what's wrong?"

My dad just kneeled at me cupping my face to look for injuries.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why would you get in the middle of a fight?
Don't get me wrong I'm proud you tried to stop it but you should've just went straight to me than waiting for it to get out of hand."

"I'm fine dad I'm sorry I will get you if anything like this happens again" I looked at my wrists and gosh it still hurts.

My dad glanced at where I was looking and I saw his eyes. They were filled with concern and rage.

"I thought you said you were fine?!"

"I am its just a bruise it will heal".

He tried to keep his composure but he was failing. He grabbed my hand gently and muttered a spell. My bruise then dissapeared like nothing happened to my wrists.

I grinned at him, "Thanks dad. That is why I love magic!".

He chuckled and hugged me.

"You are going to be the death of me my little snake. What would I do to you?"

I smirked, "You will love me forever"

He smirked back "Always"

"Always" I said back.

"Come now I already got you your things. We need to go home it is getting late." Dad said.

"Okay let me just say bye to uncle Luci and D"

He nodded

After I bid them good bye me and dad dissaparated.

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