Chapter Thirteen - Bam and Maggie

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       After dinner, the news about Glomb and Maggie had seemed to die down. Bam was still unhappy, but he couldn't help but cherish the fact that his sister was happy and had given him a nephew. Now, would he openly say this to Maggie and Glomb? Absolutely not, at least, not while they're together. Once he talked to them alone, well, then he'd probably tell them how he truly felt about everything, besides the anger of them sneaking around behind his back for years.

"I have to put Pauly down for bed, do you want to hang out afterward?" Maggie asked, causing Bam to nod.

      Maggie brought Paul into their new room, before she changed him into a fresh diaper and put him in clean pajamas. Once he was clean, she held him close to her body and began to feed him his bottle. It didn't take him long to fall asleep, seeing as he was full from all of the potatoes he had eaten only an hour earlier.

       Once Paul was in his crib, Maggie made her way back downstairs to get Bam. She had decided that it'd be best if she and Bam talked in his room, since she'd have a better chance of hearing Paul if he woke up. As soon as Bam seen his sister, she motioned for him to follow her back up the stairs. He obliged, of course, following her all the way to his room, where they then sat down on his bed.

"How've you been?" Maggie asked, causing Bam to sigh.

"Fine, the real question is, how have you been? Since apparently you had a baby for almost a year now." Bam retorted, and Maggie frowned.

"I know, I should've told you. Hell, I should've told everyone, but I couldn't. Glomb and I just sort of happened. We had been sneaking around for a while, and we were happy together. When I told him I was pregnant he was so happy. He couldn't stop talking about the baby. He thought of names, he bought clothes and supplies, and he created the whole nursery by hand. He proposed to me in the nursery when I was six months pregnant." Maggie began, before sighing,"I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything, but I couldn't chance you trying to tear my family apart. I love Glomb and I love Pauly. They're the best things that could've ever happened to me. I know you may hate me now, but I'm finally happy, happier than I've ever been." She finished, looking down to her hands.

     Her hands were intertwined on her lap, as she nervously fiddled her thumbs over the tops of her hands.

"Maggie, I was mad at you before. I was mad at the fact that you had snuck around behind my back with one of my friends. I was mad that you got engaged to my friend and had a baby, but I'm getting over it quicker than I believed I would. I hate to say it, but I don't think I've ever seen you happier with anyone else in your life." Bam said, and she smiled.

"Paul Brandon Glomb." Maggie stated, causing Bam's eyebrows to scrunch in confusion.

"What?" He asked, and she giggled.

"Pauly's name, Paul Brandon Glomb." She replied, and Bam smiled.

"Y-you named him after me?" He stuttered, and she nodded.

"Yes, I had to name him after his uncle. Besides, Bam, you've been my partner in crime since we were toddlers. Do you really think I'd name my son after anyone else? I mean, Dunn was a close second, but-" She ranted, before Bam cut her off.

"Don't ever name your kid after Dunn, it would confuse him," Bam joked, before pulling his sister into a hug,"Thank you for naming him after me. I know I was a little harsh earlier, but I really do love you, Maggie. You're my baby sister, I only want what's best for you. Seems to me though, Glomb and Pauly are what's best for you. Even though that bothers me, since it means you're a grown woman, I'm still glad you found someone who'll love you like you deserve." Bam said, and she smiled again.

       Pushing her brother away, laughing slightly, she looked up at him with a giant smile on her face.

"Enough with the chick flick moment, I'm over the sappy shit. When are you planning to start filming?" She asked, and Bam smirked.

"Well, I planned for it to be tomorrow." He replied, and she groaned.

"Jesus, Bam, what do you have planned?" She asked, and he chuckled.

"All I'm going to tell you is that it's going to get real loud at five in the morning." He said, before standing from his bed and walking away.

"No! You get back here and tell me what you're doing! Bam! Bam Margera?!" She exclaimed, as she heard him laughing while he descended down the stairs.

      Groaning to herself, she stood from his bed as well and walked into her room. She threw on a pair of pajamas, knowing she needed to get as much sleep as possible before five in the morning. Almost ten minutes later, Glomb came into the room and laid down next to Maggie as well. He knew he needed to sleep, but for a whole different reason.

       Glomb actually needed sleep because he was helping Bam in the morning. With that being said, he planned to try and discreetly put noise canceling earmuffs on his son, though he wasn't sure if the boy would keep them on or not. He did know that when his fiance woke up from the noises, she'd be in a very bad mood. He just hoped that Bam was up for the witch he was going to be waking in the morning. Bam may know his sister, but he hadn't seen her since she had Paul. He had no idea what she was like when she was woken up early in the morning by anything other than her son...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I finally updated a chapter for this story. I'm sorry for waiting so long to update. I wasn't sure where I was going with the chapter before the beginning of the show. I just knew I needed a chapter before the show began. Also, her pajamas are in the media, disregard the blood in the picture, those were the nicest clothes I found that I liked for pajamas at the time.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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