Chapter Seven - Baby's Nursery

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      Glomb and Maggie had decided to keep the baby's gender a mystery to themselves, so when Glomb created the nursery, he had to make it gender neutral. Knowing Maggie was going to be happy with whatever he built, he made it as amazing and classic as possible.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Glomb asked Jenn, causing her to nod.

"Of course, she'll love this room." Jenn replied, as she put down the bedding as wrinkle free as possible.

"I want you to record her reaction when she sees it." Glomb said, as he finished painting the wall.

"Sure, when are you showing her? Today?" She asked, causing him to nod.

"Yeah, after she gets home from work. Today's her last day, so I'm hoping this will make her happy." Glomb answered, as they finished decorating.

"Well, she is six months pregnant. I don't see how she's still doing tattoos all day." Jenn commented, causing Glomb to smirk.

"Exactly, but she's very determined." He replied, as she laughed lightly.

       Once the room was finished, Glomb and Jenn decided to fix themselves sandwiches for lunch. Maggie would be home so, and they were excited for her to see the nursery. The surprise would make her day better.

       While Maggie was cleaning up her area, the main artist, Angelo, came over to talk to her. He rolled a spinning chair near her, before sitting down.

"How are you today?" Ange asked, causing Maggie to shrug.

"Tired, but I'm good." She replied, knowing Ange was just trying to be nice.

"You do know I'm sorry that you have to take time off. I know how much you love your job, but we have to give you maternity leave." Ange said, causing Maggie to nod.

"I know, but I'm not happy about it. I really don't want to leave, but I know it's what's best for myself and my baby." Maggie replied, as Ange smiled lightly.

"As long as you don't hate me for giving you time off." Ange commented, causing her to shake her head.

"I could never hate you, Ange. You're such a great person." Maggie said, standing up to leave.

"Take care, Maggie." Ange commented, before Maggie left the shop.

       On her ride home, she thought about how bored she was going to be while on maternity leave. She didn't expect to be given so much maternity leave, but apparently tattoo shops could give as much as they wanted. Ange had decided to give her a few months, so he was giving her the last three months of her pregnancy and the first three months after the baby was born. He was also allowing her to take off whenever she needed if there was problems with the baby.

     Pulling up outside of her and Glomb's house, she was surprised to see that Jenn was already there. Jenn had been driving one of Bam's cars, but she knew it was Jenn, otherwise Glomb would've forewarned her to stay out until they left. Walking inside, she was greeted by Jenn and Glomb.

"Wow, look at you." Jenn commented, as her hands laid against Maggie's belly.

"I know, and the baby is like a fucking soccer star." Maggie replied, causing Jenn to laugh.

"Yeah, the baby even keeps me up at night. When she would lay against me, the baby would keep kicking and I'd feel it." Glomb said, as Jenn smiled.

      To Jenn, Maggie and Glomb were the perfect couple. She didn't understand how they stayed so happy together, especially with Maggie being pregnant. Most pregnant women were mean, but Glomb never complained about her being mean. Jenn honestly thought they were way too adorable for her to even comprehend.

        Jenn honestly wanted everyone to see how cute they were, but she knew that couldn't happen. She knew how pissed Bam would get that one of his friends was not only dating his little sister, but also knocked her up in the process. He wouldn't even try to comprehend how perfect the two were for each other. Jenn was surprised that they had been able to keep their relationship a secret for so long though. She didn't think they'd be able to keep it for so long.

"I have something to show you." Glomb said, as Jenn started to record.

      Maggie was a bit confused, but she followed Glomb back to the door where the nursery was going to be placed. Glomb covered her eyes, as Jenn opened the door. Once they were inside, Glomb uncovered her eyes and she gasped.

"You did this?!" She exclaimed, as she admired the room.

"Yep, Jenn and I did while you were at work." He replied, as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Aww, I love it guys." She cried, as Glomb laughed and pulled her into a hug.

         She wasn't always very emotional, but she couldn't help but shed happy tears as she looked at her baby's nursery. She was so happy with what Glomb and Jenn had done for her. Wiping her eyes, she couldn't keep the smile off of her face.

"I also have one more surprise for you." Glomb said, and Jenn was thankful she hadn't stopped recording.

      If she would've stopped recording, she probably would've missed something that she thought was cute or perfect. She watched as he got down on one knee in front of Maggie, causing her to grin and silently cheer.

"Maggie, I know we've only been together for eleven months, but it's almost a year. I am so happy to have you in my life and I don't know what I'd do without you. I can't think of my life without you in it. I love you, Maggie. So, will you marry me?" He asked, causing Maggie to grin.

"Yes, I'll marry you." She replied, before he stood up, slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her.

       Jenn was so happy that she had caught the moment on camera. Now she really wondered how Bam was going to take the news, when his sister marries his friend. Though, the problem was, it was still a secret. She wondered how much longer the secret would last...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, cute or what?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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